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Lamotte did not seem in haste to leave it, but continued talking in both English and French to Edith, who more than once, as the tones fell upon her ear, turned quickly to see if it were not some one she had met before. "Je m'en irai," Mrs.

"Vous n'avez pas besoin de me tenir ainsi," I said to the officer; "j irai tranquillement" He loosened his hold and we were then marched off to another military station, in a different part of the town from that whence we had escaped. The man who had arrested me was a sergeant or some officer in petty command.

These ideas she would express most unexpectedly, to everybody's astonishment, her husband's no less than her friends'. "Fous pouvez me renvoyer, mais je ne m'en irai pas, je vous le dis d'avance," she began, in her characteristic, indifferent way. "Dieu preserve," answered her brother-in-law, with his usual somewhat exaggerated politeness, and brought forward a chair for her.

"Je crains beaucoup d'oublier le francais j'apprends tous les jours une demie page de francais par coeur, et j'ai grand plaisir a apprendre cette lecon, Veuillez presenter a Madame l'assurance de mon estime; je crains que Maria-Louise et Claire ne m'aient deja oubliees; mais je vous reverrai un jour; aussitot que j'aurais gagne assez d'argent pour alter a Bruxelles, j'y irai."

Irai me je noier ou pendre? Ie ne m'en puis pas a Dieu prendre, C'on ne puet a lui avenir. * Mes il s'est en si haut lieu mis, Por eschiver ses anemis C'on n'i puet trere ni lancier. Se or pooie a lui tancier, Et combattre et escrimir, La char li feroie fremir. Or est la sus en son solaz, Laz! chetis! et je sui es laz De Povrete et de Soufrete."