Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Updated: August 9, 2024

Nearly thirty years ago, when I was a pupil in the Kansas City, Missouri, High School, the stepson of a United States Circuit judge made a brutally rude and insubordinate reply to a woman teacher who said to him, in reference to an excuse which he had given for tardiness, "That is not a good excuse."

The clerks in the various departments did not hold their positions from the heads of those departments, but from outside politicians who had no connection with the Government business, and as a consequence they were saucy and insubordinate.

You have been insubordinate, and for insubordination there is but one penalty." The bully hung his head, deeming himself lost, and lacking the wit to retort as Francesco unexpectedly retorted for him. "Madonna, there your adviser is at fault. The charge against the man is wrong. There has been no insubordination." "How?" she questioned, turning to the Count. "None, say you?"

Laborious and frugal in their habits, these peasants seldom touch meat, and the troops were highly gratified at the rations supplied to them, and worked hard and cheerfully at their drill. Among so many men there were naturally a few who were inclined to be insubordinate. These were speedily weeded out.

Since the chassepot has succeeded in reducing the Kabyles once more to a superficial obedience, the courts have been busy with the sentences of their insubordinate leaders. France imitates England's sanguinary policy in her treatment of rebellious and semi-civilized tribes.

Look to your organist, that he wot something of the value of time and the mysteries of tune; or, if a country parson, drill cleverly that insubordinate phalanx of soi-disant musicians, a rustic orchestra; and exclude from the latter, at all mortal hazards, the huntsman's horn, the volunteer fiddle, and the shrill squeaking of the wry-necked pipe.

"Ernestine," he said, when they turned from it at last, "it seems to me I never saw Lake Michigan quite so well before." "Insubordinate children who play off from school in the morning must work in the afternoon," Karl said at luncheon, and they went to their work that afternoon with freshened spirit.

Most of the boatmen had been won over to refuse to carry foreign goods, but the chief of them, Mirjan, was still insubordinate. "Could you not get his boat sunk?" I asked our manager here. "Nothing easier, sir," he replied. "But what if afterwards I am held responsible?" "Why be so clumsy as to leave any loophole for responsibility?

I then expostulated, at some length, with the others upon their improper and insubordinate conduct, and upon the readiness with which they had suffered themselves to be drawn into such courses by two rascally foreigners, and expressed hopes that I should have no reason for further complaint during the rest of the voyage.

What horrid words were these which greeted the ear of Mrs Proudie? The matter was indeed too clear. There was premeditated mutiny in the camp. Not only had ill-conditioned minds become insubordinate by the fruition of a little power. The bishop had not yet been twelve months in this chair, and rebellion had already reared her hideous head within the palace.

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