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By today's post I send you my "Lohengrin" article, which in the first instance will appear in German in the "Illustrirte Zeitung." Be kind enough to read the proof quickly and to return it direct to Weber, Leipzig. It will probably be published in the next number.

He can also praise the noble thought of uniting the nations, which assumed its first tangible form in the world's mail. It will not be a sentimental song, but one full of power and indicative of our own time, in spite of those who scorn it. Translated for the Scientific American Supplement by Jenny H. Beach, from Neue Illustrirte Zeitung. By THOMAS T.P. BRUCE WARREN.

Some of the old sluices, channels, basins, etc., which were rendered useless by the improvements made in the river Scheldt have been filled up, and thereby the city has been enriched by several handsome and elegant squares. Illustrirte Zeitung. Antwerp is now the chief port on the Continent. Since 1873 the progress has continued, and made very rapid advances.

Billroth has been very careful in the selection of his scholars, and many of them are now professors of surgery and medicine in Germany, Belgium, and Austria. They all honor and admire him, his courage, his character, his humane treatment of the sick and suffering, arid his amiability. The accompanying portrait is from the Illustrirte Zeitung.

The cuts given herewith, taken from the Illustrirte Zeitung, represent two statues for the new Post Office at Leipzig. The sculptor, Kaffsack, has represented the post and the telegraph as winged female figures. The figure representing Mail holds a horn or trumpet in her left hand, and a letter in her right hand.

Write soon, and do not forget to correct the proofs of the "Illustrirte Zeitung" at once. Your April 9th, 1851. P.S. The "Lohengrin" article must be signed thus: "From the French of F. Liszt." Request the printer's reader kindly not to omit this and to call the editor's special attention to it.

Karl Ritter distinguished himself by providing an excellent German translation of the French original, which was first published in the Illustrirte Zeitung.

On June 18, the commission decided to accept Sacconi's design for execution, and awarded a second prize of $2,000 to Manfredi. Sacconi's design, shown opposite page, cut taken from the Illustrirte Zeitung, needs but little explanation. An elegant gallery of sixteen Corinthian columns on a high, prominent base is crowned by a high attica and flanked by pavilions.

A sum of $145,000 was appropriated for the construction and equipment of the Eber, which was begun at Kiel in the latter part of 1885, and was launched February 15, 1887. Illustrirte Zeitung. The torpedo experiments against the Resistance, which have been suspended since November last, were resumed on June 9 at Portsmouth by the officers of the Vernon.

I did not write to you at once in order to write to you more at length and more calmly on a favourable day. Then came the number of the "Illustrirte Zeitung" of April 12th, and once more I read your printed article from beginning to end. It is difficult for me to describe the impression your work of friendship has made on me just at this time.