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Updated: August 1, 2024

"I should rather say he doesn't!" said Crow "at any rate, at Hawk Street, for a more stuck-up, disagreeable, self-righteous prig I never saw." "I think," said Hawkesbury, mildly, "you judge him rather hardly, Crow. Some of us thought the same at school; but I really think he means well."

"If I may make a suggestion," said Hawkesbury, who had taken no part in the previous discussion, "it is that you should appoint one fellow captain, and agree to obey his orders. You'll never manage it if you don't." "Not at all a bad idea," said one or two. "You be the captain, Hawkesbury." "No, thank you," said he, smiling gratefully.

Now it was against Hawkesbury, now against the Henniker, now against Mr Ladislaw, and now against the whole world generally, myself included. I had a busy time of it holding him in. He still showed aversion to Hawkesbury, although I differed from him on this point, and insisted that Hawkesbury was not such a bad fellow. Luckily, however, no outbreak happened.

He was sent back to make it over again a circumstance which by no means had the effect of soothing his spirits. By the time breakfast was done the hour had nearly arrived when our prisoners were to give their answers to our manifesto. As we were preparing to march up stairs, with a view to ascertain their decision, Hawkesbury met us, coming down with his hat on.

There are four auctioneers, or vendue masters, in the settlements; two at Sydney, one at Parramatta, and one at Hawkesbury: They usually charge five per cent. on sales. The shops are particularly respectable, and decorated with much taste.

Though this complex question was thus adjusted by March 17th, other matters delayed a settlement. Hawkesbury still demanded a definite indemnity for the Prince of Orange, but Cornwallis finally assented to Article XVIII. of the treaty, which vaguely promised "an adequate compensation." Cornwallis also persuaded his chief to waive his claims for the direct participation of Turkey in the treaty.

Boats forbid being in Cockle Bay or Farm Cove, either ashore or afloat, after sunset, under the penalty of being forfeited to the crown; and all boats to be moored within the Hospital wharf, and hulk. Boats conveying Grain from Hawkesbury.

When, however, I came to tell him of my financial troubles with Hawkesbury and Shoddy he brightened up suddenly. "Why, why ever didn't you tell me of that before, Batchelor?" he exclaimed. "And this beggar Shoddy's going to show you up, is he? Ha, ha! we'll disappoint him for once in a way. I know him of old."

Hawkesbury, whose colour had been rising during the last few moments, and whose assurance had gradually been deserting him, now turned round with a ceremonious smile to the last speaker as he rose to his feet and said, "If you desire it, I'll go. I can submit to be ordered off by a shoeblack, but the son of a convict is "

Others may prove more intelligent, though they cannot well be more industrious. The river Hawkesbury will, no doubt, offer some desirable situations, and the great advantages of a navigable river are obvious; but before a settlement can be made there, proper people to conduct it must be found, and they must be better acquainted with the country.

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