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How fresh and cool they look! What wouldn't you give to be straying about in those fresh woods far away? Kate looked at Mr. Lennox with ravished eyes; his words had flooded her mind with a thousand forgotten dreams. She felt she liked him better for what he had said, and she murmured as if half ashamed: 'I've never been out of Hanley.

"If we had only known!" he added remorsefully. "It is MOST unfortunate." "Because of Las Bocas?" echoed Hanley. "You don't mean they'll refuse to take me to Jamaica because I spent half an hour at the end of a wharf listening to a squeaky gramophone?"

His voice trembled. "Charles," he begged, "are they laughing at me?" Eagerly, before the other would answer, Senator Hanley tossed his cigar into the water and, scrambling forward, seized Marshall by the hand. "Mr. Marshall," he cried, "our President has great faith in Abraham Lincoln's judgment of men. And this salute means that this morning he appointed you our new minister to The Hague.

He extended a piece of printed paper. As Hanley had been talking, the face of the consul had grown grave. He accepted the paper, but did not look at it. Instead, he regarded the senator with troubled eyes. When he spoke, his tone was one of genuine concern. "It is most unfortunate," he said. "But I am afraid the ROYAL MAIL will not take you on board. Because of Las Bocas," he explained.

But the people of Berry Brow, near Huddersfield, said I had charged them thirty shillings for preaching their anniversary sermons, and the Conference party took the trouble to spread the contemptible charge through the Connexion. The facts of the case were these: I had an engagement to preach anniversary sermons at Hanley, in the Staffordshire Potteries.

"Jack Hanley was killed at Marovo Lagoon two months ago," Young announced in his mild voice. "The news just came down on the Apostle." "Where is Marovo Lagoon?" Joan asked. "New Georgia, a couple of hundred miles to the westward," Sheldon answered. "Bougainville lies just beyond." "His own house-boys did it," Young went on; "but they were put up to it by the Marovo natives.

All was red brick blazing under a blue sky without a cloud in it; the red brick that turns to purple; and all the roofs were scarlet red brick and scarlet tiles, and not a tree anywhere. 'You don't seem to have a tree in Hanley, Mr. Lennox said. 'I don't think there are many, she answered, and they gazed at the bald rotundities of the pottery ovens.

I cut down the volume. Hanley switched in. "By God. Phil! This " "Off, Chief! Let me hear, too!" He cut away. Those distorted voices! They came from Perona and the bandits to me across this five hundred foot moonlit bowl; from me, thirteen hundred miles up to Hanley's instruments; and back to me once more. But the words, most of them, now were distinguishable. Perona's voice: "I tell it to you.

On the evening before we had climbed off a freight train at the edge of town, and with the true instinct of Kentucky boys had found our way across town and to the race track and the stables at once. Then we knew we were all right. Hanley Turner right away found a nigger we knew. It was Bildad Johnson who in the winter works at Ed Becker's livery barn in our home town, Beckersville.

It wasn't all my fault, I think, and you were so different from all the other men I've seen so much more like what I imagined a man should be, so much more like the heroes in the novels. You know in the books there's always a tenor who comes and sings under the window in the moonlight, and sends the lady he loves roses. You never sent me any roses, but then there are no roses in Hanley.