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The function of the thyroid in the kinetic chain is best evidenced, however, by its role in the production of fever. Fever results from the administration of thyroid extract alone in large doses. In the hyperactivity of the thyroid in exophthalmic goiter one sees a marked tendency to fever, in severe cases there is daily fever.

Cretinism is an endemic disease among mountainous people who drink largely of lime water, and is characterized by a condition of physical, physiologic, and mental degeneracy and nondevelopment, and possibly goiter. The subjects of this disease seldom reach five feet in height, and usually not more than four. The word cretin is derived from the Latin creatura. They are found all over the world.

He first stopped on Ka-lo-wi'-tan Mountain, and from there looked over the young women of Sabangan, searching for a desirable wife, but he was not pleased with the girls of Sabangan because they had short hair. He next visited Alap, but the young women of that pueblo were sickly; so he came on to Tulubin. There the marriageable girls were afflicted with goiter.

As he passed out of sight at last, an old Englishman settled himself in his seat and said: "Well, I am satisfied, I have seen the principal features of Swiss scenery Mont Blanc and the goiter now for home!"

The quack handles the diseased organ, perhaps a goiter or a leg crippled by rheumatism, with a cruel rudeness and overwhelms the suggestible mind so completely that the first autosuggestion is that of a complete change, and that means cure. The disastrous results follow later.

As he passed out of sight at last, an old Englishman settled himself in his seat and said: "Well, I am satisfied, I have seen the principal features of Swiss scenery Mont Blanc and the goiter now for home!"

A quotation under our observation credits Colonel Sykes with the following statistics of cretinism, which show how in some locations it may be a decided factor of population. Of the cretins without goiter there were 2089. Of cretins with goiter there were 3909; and cretins in which goiter was not stated 962, making a total of 6960.

"I think I have found out the immediate cause of her trouble," he said simply, ignoring my suggestion. "What is it?" I asked eagerly. "I can't imagine how they could have failed to guess it, except that they never would have suspected to look for anything resembling exophthalmic goiter in a person of her stamina," he answered, pronouncing the word slowly.

Eight hours of continuous sleep restored all the cells except those that had been completely exhausted. This will explain the permanent ill effect of long-continued insomnia; that is, long-continued insomnia permanently destroys a part of the brain-cells just as do too great physical exertion, certain drugs, emotional strain, exophthalmic goiter, and hemorrhage.

Although Lem had not spoken, the young lawyer noted the silent convulsions going on in the dark, full throat, the unceasing movements of the goiter. "State your case to me, then," said he tersely. Lon Cronk settled back and began to speak. "There's a man here in this town by the name of Shellington. He's a lawyer, too, and he's got my kids, and I want 'em. That's my case, Mister."