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Updated: August 27, 2024

Ignorant though you are of civic affairs, you must be aware that all business is at a standstill in Frankfort. Although Herr Goebel has said nothing about it, I learn from an unquestionable source that he himself is keeping from starvation all his former employees, so I am sure he would not take on, for a stranger, any further obligation."

The merchant offered him a thousand thalers in gold, and he, with a generosity which I must point out to him was exercised at our expense, returned half that money to Herr Goebel. I confess that all I received has been spent; my hand is lonesome when it enters my pouch. "Herr Kurzbold," said Roland, with some severity, "many penniless nights passed over our heads in this room.

Twelve hours after receiving the five hundred thalers from the merchant, he again presented himself at the now familiar door in the Fahrgasse. In the room on the first floor he found with Herr Goebel a thick-set, heavily-bearded, weather-beaten man, who stood bonnet in hand while the merchant gave him final instructions. "Good-morning, Sir Roland," cried Herr Goebel cheerfully.

"Here is the compact made with Herr Goebel: I promised that, with the help of my comrades, I would endeavor to open the Rhine to mercantile traffic. On the strength of such promise he gave me the money." At this announcement rose a wild round of applause, and with the thunder of flagons on the table, and the shouting of each member, no single voice could make itself heard above the tumult.

I observe, further, that your secret service keeps you very well informed, and therefore withdraw a tithe of the harsh things I said regarding the stupidity of the merchants." "Many thanks for the concession," said Goebel, replacing the document with its fellows.

I had decided to take along one helper, and a man by the name of Herman Goebel went as far as The Dalles with the outfit. There William Marden joined me for the journey across the Plains. Marden stayed with me for three years, and proved to be faithful and helpful. And now a word as to my oxen.

Until very recently I have been absorbed in my studies, and rarely left my father's house." "I am doubtless mistaken. But to return to our theme. As you are ignorant of my name and standing in this city, you are probably unaware of the efforts already made to remove the deadlock on the Rhine." "In that, Herr Goebel, you are at fault.

Edison and his company, therefore, rejected the offer unconditionally and declined to enter into any arrangements whatever with Goebel.

The story was met by the Edison interests with counter-affidavits, showing its utter improbabilities and absurdities from the standpoint of men of science and others versed in the history and practice of the art; also affidavits of other acquaintances and neighbors of Goebel flatly denying the exhibitions he claimed to have made.

You say, "But I'm trying to get Miss Doe Miss Dorothy Doe." He says, "Who?" You say, "Is this the residence of " He says, "Naw this is Goebel Brothers, Wholesale Grocers what number do you want?" You say, "Bryant 4310." He says, "Well, this is Rhinelander 4310." You then hang up the receiver and count twenty.

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