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Updated: August 26, 2024

A quart of water is put in the crock and heated to boiling; it is then taken off the open fire and two pounds of the finest gelatine stirred in, a little at a time. The mass must not boil, as it would easily burn, or turn brown and acquire a bad color. Thirty or forty pounds of a beautiful white elastic mass can be made by this recipe in an hour at a cost of ten or twelve cents.

Ponsonby with the modicum of sugar prescribed, till in despair she had resorted to a pinch of gelatine, and felt that the shade of her mother-in-law was ticking the word incompetent from the clock in the hall when suddenly the watchword was drowned in the stertorous breathing of the machine at the gate, and Polly whisked in without ringing and met Deena face to face.

Make with boiling water one quart of strong lemonade, using only the juice of the lemons; soak one-half box of gelatine in a small cup of cold water; stir it into the boiling lemonade and set where it will cool but not harden.

Isaacs, our stock of cattle consisted now of 16 head: of horses we had 17: and our party consisted of ten individuals. Of provisions we had 1200 lbs. of flour: 200 lbs. of sugar: 80 lbs. of tea: 20 lbs. of gelatine: and other articles of less consideration, but adding much to our comfort during the first few weeks of our journey.

The gelatinous tissues, the gelatine of the bones, the membranes, the cells and the skin suffer, in the animal body, under the influence of oxygen and moisture, a progressive alteration; a part of these tissues is separated, and must be restored from the blood; but this alteration and restoration are obviously confined within very narrow limits.

Ferridcyanide of potassium has found extensive application in photographic processes for intensifying negatives; those of Eder, in combination with nitrate of lead, or Selle's, with nitrate of uranium; Ander's blue intensification of gelatine negatives, Farmer's process of reducing intensity, the coloring of diapositives, the very important blue printing, and various others, are daily practiced in our laboratories.

Other experiments, by excluding air from the gelatine cultures, or placing them under an exhausted bell jar, or in an atmosphere of carbonic acid, went to prove that they required air and oxygen for their growth; but the deprivation did not kill them, since on removing them from these conditions they again began to grow.

Split the savoys in half and place them perpendicularly round the mould to line it; break up the ratafias and put them also in the mould. Dissolve the gelatine, stir it, when cool, into the sweetened and flavoured custard, and pour this gently over the cakes. The mould should be turned out for eating. Rice Cup. Press warm rice, boiled with milk till well soaked and stiff, into a buttered cup.

Bone contains from 30 to 36 per cent. of earthy matter chiefly phosphate of lime, and the remainder is gelatine.

Nitrate silver.....................140 grains. Water.............................. 1 ounce. Alcohol............................ 1 " Both solutions being warmed to about 120 deg.. The alcohol, both in the gelatine and silver solutions, plays a most important part: It prevents decomposition of the gelatine.

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