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Some incidents occurred which can best be described in the Admiral's own language as he recorded them in his letter to the Sovereigns. " . . . When I reached there, they immediately sent me two young girls dressed in rich garments.

Arrangements should be made for washing all soiled garments, and nothing by way of soiled rags or clothing should be allowed to accumulate. A rubber blanket, or oil or waterproof cloth should be in readiness to place underneath the bottom sheet to be used during labor. As soon as labor pains have begun a fire should be built and hot water kept ready for immediate use.

Rushleigh?" asked Roger Armstrong, who entered at this moment, with garments he had brought from somewhere to wrap Faith. "I must go home," said Faith. "To Aunt Henderson's." "You shall do as you like," answered Mr. Rushleigh. "But it belongs to us to care for you, I think." "You do you have cared for me already," said Faith, earnestly. And Mr.

The Kayan hangs upon the tomb the garments and weapons and other material possessions of the dead man; and it would seem that he believes that some shadowy duplicate of each such object is thereby placed at the service of the ghost of the dead man.

And I saw in my dream that the city stood upon a mighty hill; but the pilgrims went up with ease, because they had left their mortal garments behind them in the river. While they were thus drawing to the gate, behold, a company of the heavenly host came out to meet them.

It was towards the windows that she was pointing, and Malcolm guessed at once that, having returned in the early morning to see what remained of her home, she had happened to notice the garments stuffed in the windows, and had carried the news to some of her companions.

They were in another lane thick with fog, which flared with the flame of torches stuck in costers' barrows which stood here and there barrows with fried fish upon them, barrows with second-hand-looking vegetables and others piled with more than second-hand-looking garments. Trade was not driving, but near one or two of them dirty, ill-used looking women, a man or so, and a few children stood.

The sight of these garments, lying among her own wraps, gave her a sense of homely intimacy. It was as if her happiness came down from the skies and took on the plain dress of daily things. At last she seemed to hold it in her hand. As they entered the hall her eye lit on an unstamped note conspicuously placed on the table. "From Owen! He must have rushed off somewhere in the motor."

Russel has a big trunk full of things sent out from home as presents to the Mission pieces of calico, and various kinds of garments and these are given as prizes to the children who attend the Christian schools. The pieces of cloth which they can wind round them are the most valued prizes. Some of the garments are too ridiculous.

"Those dresses on your saints are such poor things," he said. "Not rich enough such very poor things!" "Well, they were poor things," was Angelo's answer. "The saints did not wear golden ornaments, nor gold on their garments." After Julius II. and Leo X. came Pope Paul III., and he, like the other two, determined to have Angelo for his workman.