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Updated: August 8, 2024

Fluke and Flounders are good all year round, but the fluke is better than the flounder in summer. Carp may be had all year, but care must be taken that it has not been in polluted water. Cod, Haddock, Halibut, Mackerel, Redsnapper, Salmon, Whitefish are good all year.

Within, the winding walks dimly echoed whispering words; the lawn was studded with dazzling groups; on the terrace by the river a dainty multitude beheld those celebrated waters which furnish flounders to Richmond and whitebait to Blackwall. 'Mrs. Coningsby shall decide, said Lord Beaumanoir.

The face of the child seemed to wear a load of care and anxiety, and as the young fisherman gazed a tear started from her eye, and slid down her cheek. Tommy's heart melted as he saw this exhibition of sorrow. He wondered what could ail her. "My mother is sick," replied Katy, dashing away the tell-tale tear. "I know that; but what do you want of flounders?"

There are cunners big and ravenous at the base of Shag Rocks or along Boston or Martin's ledges. I dare say there are flounders skimming the sand to the east of Hull, but you will hardly care for these if you have Neptune aboard. His spirit will bid you jibe your sail to that freshening west wind off Allerton and bowl down the coast parallel with the long stretch of Nantasket sands.

You may fry carp and flounders in the same manner. Put a handful of salt into the water. When it boils put in the trout. Boil them fast about twenty minutes, according to their size. For sauce, send with them melted butter, and put some soy into it; or flavour it with catchup. Score the fish on the back with a knife, and season them with salt and cayenne pepper.

And so it turned out, for in a day's fishing over at Sausalito Tom caught many silver smelt and tomcod, with flat, ugly flounders, and a red, big-eyed rock-cod. The frightened boy almost fell out of the boat, too, when he pulled in a large sting-ray, or "stingaree," as the boatman called it.

Towards the east he saw an island shaped like a turtle, and this island he named Tortuga; and the harbour, which he entered that evening on the hour of Vespers, he called Saint Nicholas, as it was the feast of that saint. Once more his description flounders among superlatives: he thought Cuba was perfect; but he finds the new island more perfect still.

G. J. Romanes, to obtain such evidence with regard to the eye by keeping young Flounders, already partially metamorphosed, in a reversed position. I did not succeed in devising apparatus which would keep the young fish alive in the reversed position for a sufficiently long time. We can only consider, therefore, whether those other changes can reasonably be attributed to the conditions of life.

Fresh fish, however, remained the luxury of the rich, and the poor were left to the salt cod, ling, and herring brought in annually by the Iceland fleet. Fresh herrings sold for five or six a penny in the time of Henry VIII., and were never cheaper. Fresh salmon five and six shillings apiece. Roach, dace, and flounders from two to four shillings a hundred. Pike and barbel varied with their length.

Herrings, Pilchards, Smelts, Flounders, Sturgeon, Bisons, Antelopes, Woodcocks, Swallows, Fieldfares, Locusts, and even Butterflies congregate together previous to migration. On the same subject.

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