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But we often have morning fogs and I have seen several almost as dense as this." "Nothing unusual in a fog d-d-down hereabouts and along the river," Flexinna admitted. "B-B-But this fog is most unusual. It is all over the whole city. I have lived on the Esquiline ever since I was b-b-born and I never saw a fog up there except p-p-perhaps a whiff just about sunrise and then only in wisps.

When Brinnaria returned from her outing she found waiting for her her best friend, chum and crony, Flexinna, a girl four years older, not so tall, decidedly more slender and much prettier. Brinnaria was robustly handsome; Flexinna was delicately lovely, yet they did not differ much in tints of hair, eyes or skin and might have been sisters. In fact, they were not infrequently taken for sisters.

Flexinna has called on Brinnaria to-day, as usual, except the hour. And Flexinna often calls on Brinnaria at odd hours. Flexinna makes a short call and goes out to her litter. Flexinna makes an excursion into the country in a litter with drawn curtains, her husband riding by it. Nobody can take any notice of that.

A shield and a b-b-battle-axe are handed to each. Then they wait for the word of the Dictator of Aricia. At the word they fight. "That is the other way to challenge the K-K-King of the G-G-Grove." Flexinna, as generally happened, had been shown at once up to Brinnaria's private apartment and had walked straight into Brinnaria's bedroom. In that small room they sat facing each other.

I'll bet they have it filled by d-d-day after to-morrow. Old B-B-Bambilio is a stickler for pious precision an observance of all ritual matters and the Emperors are with him." "Marcus is," Brinnaria agreed, pertly, "but Lucius doesn't care what happens so long as he has his fun." "You mustn't t-t-t-talk that way about the Emperors," Flexinna cautioned her.

Her survey of her former home and her selection of the ornaments, pictures, statues, articles of furniture and other objects which she desired reserved for herself she completed with an air less of melancholy than of puzzled thought. She was off duty for all of that day and night and was to dine with Flexinna and Vocco.

He slept at B-B-Bovillae last night and he says the fog is just as b-b-bad all the way from B-B-Bovillae. He says it is heavy over the whole c-c-country for miles. It amounts to a portent." "Flexinna," said Brinnaria, "you never came here and at this time of day, to talk about the weather." "I d-d-didn't know how to b-b-begin," Flexinna admitted. "What has Almo done now?" Brinnaria queried.

"Suppose," said Flexinna, "you did meet C-C-Calvaster on his way to execution, wouldn't you g-g-gloat over him and watch him on his way and not interfere?" "No, I should not, I should interfere," said Brinnaria, "and anyhow, what is the use of supposing? Suppose the moon fell on your front teeth, would you stop stuttering?"

But Almo is at Falerii." "No, he's not," Flexinna retorted; "he's b-b-been in t-t-town t-t-ten d-d-days and has had the old house on the C-C-Carinae reopened. He's settling d-d-down to live in Rome." Brinnaria flushed. "I think," she said, scrambling to her feet, "that he might have had enough consideration for me to stay in the country." "So d-d-do I," said Flexinna.

She haunted the training-stables of all six corporations, but mostly of the Greens, always in company with Manlia, or Flexinna, or Nemestronia or some other of her women friends; she visited the barracks almost daily, chatted with the charioteers, grooms and ostlers, watched the exercising of the teams, inspected the stalls, conned the racers.