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Updated: August 16, 2024

"A professional object, of course," the ready doctor answered. "I have got an idea for a new treatment of diseases of the lungs; and I want to see if the French have made any recent discoveries in that direction." Sir James took up his pen and hesitated. His ill-starred medical colleague had been his fellow-student and his friend, in the days when they were both young men.

May's gratification, came to show his respect to his old fellow-student; and arriving the evening before Tom, was urgent to know the probabilities of his appearance.

In November, 1859, at exactly the same time as Kappers' "literary and scientific" society was started, a fellow-student named Groenbeck, from Falster, who knew the family of Caspar Paludan-Mueller, the historian, proposed my joining another little society of young students, of whom Groenbeck thought very highly on account of their altogether unusual knowledge of books and men.

He had once thrown a fellow-student out of a window in Munich himself for a similar offence, and old as he was he had never forgotten it. "You come from the South, Mr. Horn, I hear," he said in a gentler voice, "and you are all a hot- tempered race, and often do foolish things. Judson meant no harm he says so, and Miss Grant says so. Now you two shake hands and make up.

This was especially gratifying and stimulating to Douglas, who remarked to a fellow-student that for the wealth of a continent he would not have had his "mother die without hearing that intelligence of her son's progress." At the age of twenty, Douglas commenced, with the fairest prospects, the practice of law in the beautiful village of Cleveland, Ohio.

It appeared just when it was needed. In the midst of the universal corruption, the Brethren are a pillar of the truth." The Danish Minister of Religion, Adam Struensee, who had been a fellow-student with Spangenberg at Jena, was eloquent in his praises.

He did not realize that he was standing on a tiny ledge, all that was left him of footing, high, alone, above that burning pit where his fellow-student had gone down; nor that he had escaped as by a miracle. There he stood and turned away his face, sick and dizzy with the sight, blinded by the dazzling flames, shut in to that tiny spot by a sudden wall of smoke that swept in about him.

'Do you know Adolphe Monod's Farewell? It was sent to me lately by Rev. C. New, of Hastings, an old Cheshunt fellow-student. I have enjoyed it all, but most, I think, chapter xii., "Of Things not seen." A volume of sermons, entitled The Baptism of the Spirit, and other Sermons, by Mr. New, I have enjoyed intensely.

Pantænus has left no writings of his own, and is best known through his pupil or fellow-student, Clemens. He is said to have brought with him to Alexandria, from the Jewish Christians that he met with on his travels, a copy of St.

The artist of this year was M. Jacques Burkhardt, a personal friend of Agassiz, and his fellow-student at Munich, where he had spent some time at the school of art. As a draughtsman he was subsequently associated with Agassiz in his work at various times, and when they both settled in America Mr.

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