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The brig's doon. It's no doon. It's stan'in' yet. But the puir fowk, Alec! Eh, gin they warna preparet! Think o' that, Alec." "I houp they wan oot," answered Alec. "Houps are feckless things, Alec," returned Thomas, censoriously.

"Ye'll be needing a wash the day, Mon Sandy, and the Sawbath but fower days syne," opined Dam, critically observing the moss-and-mud streaked head, face and neck of the raving, incoherent victim of Lucille's effort. When at all lucid and comprehensible Mr. Dam pocketed his hands and said but: "Havers, Mon Sandy!" "I'll tak' the hide fra y'r bones yet, ye feckless, impident "

Then Jiuyémon took the dirk which had fallen to the ground, and said: "Oh! I thought that you, being a wrestler, would at least be a strong man, and that there would be some pleasure in fighting you; but I see that you are but a poor feckless creature, after all.

After letting go her hair, she stood again feckless and imbecile, with sideward-hung head, very pitiable to see I think now, though no faintest pity touched me then. It was clear that she did not at all know what to make of the look of things. Finally, she sat on a moss-bank, reached and took a musk-rose on her palm, and looked hopelessly at it.

The age of Louis XIV took this dreamer, this idler, this feckless, fugitive, spiritual creature, kept him alive by means of patrons in high society, and eventually turned him not simply into a poet, for he was a poet by nature, but into one of the most subtle, deliberate, patient, and exquisite craftsmen who have ever written in verse.

To her they bordered dangerously on sacrilege; nor did she ever quite fully abandon herself to delight in the guitar. It continued to be a "foreign" and "feckless" sort of instrument.

What does he know about Us!" Immediately upon hearing of my fell design MacLachan, the tailor, paid a visit of protest to my bench. "Is it true fact that I hear, Dominie?" "What do you hear, MacLachan?" "That ye're to make one of yer silly histories about Barbran?" "Perfectly true," said I, passing over the uncomplimentary adjective. "'Tis a feckless waste of time." "Very likely."

After a', nae man is rid o' a difficulty till he's conquered it single-handed for himsel: besides, I'm na poet, mair's the gude hap for you." "Why, then?" "Och, och! they're puir, feckless, crabbit, unpractical bodies, they poets; but if it's your doom, ye maun dree it; and I'm sair afeard ye ha' gotten the disease o' genius, mair's the pity, and maun write, I suppose, willy-nilly.

He never gave up the habit of gathering flowers for my grandmother, and such exquisite contrasts of colour I never saw combined by any other hand. Another accomplishment of his was also connected with his love of plants. "It's little enough a man can do about a house the best of times," said Elspeth, "and the master's just as feckless as a bairn. But he makes a fine sallet."

'My honour binds me not to trust you wee Malcolm to wander into the wolf's cage alone. 'I am not the silly feckless callant I once was, Patie, answered Malcolm. 'There are many places where my student's serge gown will take me safely, where your corslet and lance would never find entrance. No one will know me again as I am now: will they, holy Mother? 'Assuredly not, said the Abbess.