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Updated: August 12, 2024

Perhaps when you had opium first given you you were told that its intent was the promotion of perspiration but did not know the rationale. The only way in which opium promotes perspiration is by shutting up all the other excretory processes of the body, and throwing the entire labor of that function upon the pores.

It has, therefore, no special respiratory organs. But the waste matter of the muscles cannot escape so easily, for these are becoming deeper seated. Hence we find an excretory system consisting of two tubes with many branches in the parenchym, and discharging at the rear end of the body.

We may regard as a special variety of the ascetic view of sex, for the ascetics, as we see, freely but not quite legitimately, based their asceticism largely on æsthetic considerations, that insistence on the proximity of the sexual to the excretory centres which found expression in the early Church in Augustine's depreciatory assertion: "Inter fæces et urinam nascimur," and still persists among many who by no means always associate it with religious asceticism.

Others have believed them excretory organs of excrementitious juices, but as the vapor exhaled from vegetables has no taste, this idea is no more probable than the other; add to this that in most weathers they do not appear to perspire or exhale at all.

By this means the action of the heart is strengthened, and consequently all the tissues receive a rich supply of oxygen. Exercise also promotes the digestion and the assimilation of the food. It stimulates the sweat glands to become more active; and, for that matter, the other excretory organs as well. It invigorates the muscles, strengthens the nerves, and clears the brain.

This process of absorption is probably accomplished in the interradial or ciliated chambers, more probably in the former, as the latter are generally considered excretory in function. Lime or silica must also be absorbed from the water by most sponges in order to make up the skeleton. The skeleton of calcareous sponges consists of a number of spicules composed of carbonate of lime.

The Conception of Sexual Love The Attitude of Mediæval Asceticism St. Bernard and St. Odo of Cluny The Ascetic Insistence on the Proximity of the Sexual and Excretory Centres Love as a Sacrament of Nature The Idea of the Impurity of Sex in Primitive Religions Generally Theories of the Origin of This Idea The Anti-Ascetic Element in the Bible and Early Christianity Clement of Alexandria St.

It must be a drug that can prevent the re-awakening ol the nutritive and excretory processes for it is these whose waking, seeing how late in the day it is, clamoring at the confusion in which they find affairs and at the immense quantity of behind-hand work suddenly thrown on them, together with that re-sharpening of long-dulled sensation by which the clamor comes into consciousness loud as the world must be to a totally deaf man suddenly presented with his hearing, which constitute the series of phenomena which we call pain.

Bath-houses for the convenience of those who love a plunge or a swim will be indispensable affording facilities for a species of summer exercise which nothing can replace. In winter and summer the bath must be our principal reliance for promoting that vigorous action of the excretory system which with healthy nutrition is our great aim in treating the patient.

But they all agree in certain characters; all take their food and oxygen and carry on excretory processes by osmosis, i.e., through the body-wall; all are capable of some kind of locomotion, some have one or more flagella, others move by a pseudopod movement. Some are capable of moving from cell to cell in the body as do the white blood-corpuscles.

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