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"Well," sez he, "I'm a deacon and I can't bear the thought of religious interests languishin' for my help." Sez I, "Seven folks wuz baptized last Sunday: the meetin' house wuz never so prosperous." And then he went on and said political ties wuz drawin' him, and he brung up fatherly feelin's for the children, and cuttin' up burdocks, and buildin' stun walls, and etcetery.

And Arvilly hearn him and snapped out, "I d'no as they're so very vile till traders and other civilized folks teach 'em to drink and cheat and tear round." His eyes lost in a minute that heavenly expression they had wore and sez he: "Oh, islands of the sea! where every prospect pleases and eat each other up and etcetery."

'As a sartin acquaintance of mine once said to me, I says, 'you look a good deal handsomer up there than you do in a boat. "'You you etcetery and so forth, continued in our next! says he, or words to that effect. "'That's all right, says I, putting on the power. 'You've got no kick coming. I allow you to er ornament my weir-pole, and 'tain't every dude I'd let do that.

No: we read in the Bible of eight different ones who come back from death, and appeared to their friends, besides the many who came forth from their graves at Jerusalem. But they didn't none of 'em come in this way from round under tables, and out of little coops, and etcetery. "And as it was in the old days, so I believe it is to-day.

But," says I, "you will find yourself in the same old world, with the same old dishcloths and wipin'-towels and mops a waitin' for you to grasp, with the same pair of hands. You will have to konfront brooms and wash-tubs and darnin'-needles and socks, and etcetery, etcetery. And you must prepare yourself for the enkounter."

Gin her presents, jewellry, bunnets, head-dresses, artificial flowers, and etcetery, out of Dorlesky's own hip-money. And I don't know as any thing could be much more gaulin' to a woman than that wuz, while she lay there, groanin' in splints, to have her husband take the money for her own broken bones, and dress up another woman like a doll with it.