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Updated: August 11, 2024

For the tramp of the engine's horses, heard plain enough on the main road, came to an end abruptly, and sounds ensued men's shouts, women's cries not reconcilable with the mere stoppage of a fire-engine by unexpected narrows or an irregular coal-cart. "Couldn't say, I'm sure. They're a nizy lot in these parts." So said Uncle Moses, and walked slowly up the Court, stopping for breath half-way.

Whenever things get really excitin', the engine's apt to quit work and take a rest. 'The whole make should be publicly burned, I said, with gloomy recollections. 'I wouldn't go so far, sir. The old Gladas has surprisin' merits. On her day there's nothing like her for pace and climbing-power, and she steers as sweet as a racin' cutter. The trouble about her is she's too complicated.

It amused him to see the buxom women flagging the train at crossings. And the little stations, where everybody rushed out to buy a drink of bottled water! Suddenly the station-master struck a bell, the conductor tooted a horn, and the engine's shrill whistle shrieked; and off they flew again.

When the train, which proved to be a long string of empty, open box cars, pulled southward, after having filled its engine's tender at the water tank, Slippery and Joe had safely stowed themselves away in one of the "empties" and were soon rolling on towards Chicago, and had become a most contented pair of hobo-partners.

Gallagher's cab ticked the forward end of the other engine's running board in passing, and if Graham had not been still shoving backward with the throttle wide open, the "01," being wider than its piloting engine, would have had its side ripped out. Graham had a glimpse into the cab of the 956 as it passed and saw Gallagher, sitting erect on his box with wide-staring eyes.

That means at the outset that we have children because we believe in them, and that we train them, as the skilled workman shapes his wood and clay, to achieve the greatest result of which the human material is capable. A factory's output can be standardized. An engine's power can be measured. But he who trains a child can never fully know the mind he works with nor the result he attains.

It had once pulled her up a snow-bank to the distant rumble of an engine's explosion. Yes, and surely she had seen it again, once again, since then although, sandwiched as it now was between egg-boats and painted Tritons she could not for the moment remember where. "Fine day! Having luck?

Behind them was the drying room, a high second story, closed in on all sides by narrow-slatted lattices so that the air could circulate freely, and through which laundry could be seen hanging on brass wires. The steam engine's smokestack exhaled puffs of white smoke to the right of the water tanks.

See about the bottom plug, too. Clear away those guys fore and aft, you fellows." In a few moments came the buzzing of the small engine; then it stopped, and Casey said: "Engine's all right, and so is the plug. Shove out and lower away." "Got everything right, Casey? Got your money? Got the code?" "Got everything," was the impatient answer.

Oblivious to everything else she was critically scanning her own small reflection great, tip-tilted eyes, violet in the shadow, and then cheeks and pointed chin until, even in spite of her preoccupation, she became aware of the hungry tremulousness of the mouth of that reflected image until the hoarse shriek of an engine's whistle leaped across the valley and brought her up sharp, her breath going in one long, quavering gasp between wide lips.

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