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Endurance through generations has given the people large immunity from the effects of hook-worm and malaria, but not from the indigenous diseases, kraw-kraw, yaws and elephantiasis, nor of course from dysentery and smallpox which the Europeans introduced. Yet robust health is fairly common, and where health prevails there is generally happiness, for the negroes have that within their nature.

As might be expected, this meagre fare is not very conducive to health; scurvy, leprosy, elephantiasis, and all cutaneous disorders, are very common, while the practice of mothers to leave off nursing their children at the end of three days, feeding them with cows' milk instead, results in a frightful mortality among the babies.

Many were afflicted with that dreadful complaint known as elephantiasis their legs being swollen to an enormous size. Still more numerous were the galenachas, or black vultures.

Beside her might stand a six-foot man, erect, mighty-muscled, bronzed, with the body of a god, yet with feet and calves so swollen that they ran together, forming legs, shapeless, monstrous, that were for all the world like elephant legs. No one seems really to know the cause of the South Sea elephantiasis. One theory is that it is caused by the drinking of polluted water.

The circumference of the calf was 28 inches; of the thigh, 38 inches; and of the abdomen, 80 inches; while that of the arm was only 15 inches. The condition commonly known as "Barbadoes leg" is a form of elephantiasis deriving its name from its relative frequency in Barbadoes.

The hero would not allow him to shout Victory! or hear a word of toasts; and as, from the quantity of oil poured on it, his eloquence was becoming a natural force in his bosom, the poor fellow was afflicted with a sort of elephantiasis of suppressed emotion.

In operating the tumor had to be swung on a beam. The hemorrhage was slight and the patient was discharged in five days. The true lipoma must be distinguished from diffuse accumulations of fat in different parts of the body in the same way that fibroma is distinguished from elephantiasis. Circumscribed lipoma appears as a lobulated soft tumor, more or less movable, lying beneath the skin.

Then all expression died out of his face, and he passed the gate, blankly ignoring the small girl who was leaning over it and apparently suffering from elephantiasis of the tongue. He went by quietly, and Miss Nugent, raging inwardly that she had misbehaved to no purpose, withdrew her tongue for more legitimate uses. "Boo," she cried; "who had his hair pulled?"

With all consideration for the many admirable virtues of la cure Sypher, yet there were certain maladies of the skin for which he personally would not prescribe it. For this, for that he rattled off half a dozen of learned diseases it might very well be efficacious. Its effect would probably be benign in a case of elephantiasis.

Cholera is scarcely known at Dorjiling, and when it has been imported thither has never spread. Disease is very rare amongst the Lepchas; and ophthalmic, elephantiasis, and leprosy, the scourges of hot climates, are rarely known.