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Updated: August 3, 2024

Ye hev got it a sight mo' at heart than yer brother. Fur thar war Wat, all twisted up at the small e-end o' the tellingscope, purtendin' ter be on mighty close terms with the comic, though lots o' other men said it jes' dazed thar eyes, an' they couldn't see nuthin' through it, an' mighty leetle arterward through sightin' so long one-eyed."

And Ethan was silent. "What's this hyar thing at the e-end o' the rope?" asked Pete, as he began to draw the cord up, and felt a weight still suspended. "It air the tur-r-key," said Ethan meekly. "I tied her ter the e-end o' the rope afore I kem up." "Waal, sir!" exclaimed Pete, in indignant surprise.

"O The'dosia," he cried, "I can't holp thinkin', hevin' so many frien's nowadays, whenst it's 'Hail! hyar, an' 'Howdy! thar, an' a clap on the shoulder ter the east, an' a 'How's yer health? ter the west, an' a handshake ter the north, an' 'Take a drink? ter the south, from one e-end o' the county ter the t'other, how I fared whenst I hed jes' one frien' in the worl', an' that war yer mother!

"Some folks in the upper e-end of the Cove 'lowed afterward they hearn a hawn; some folks spoke of a shakin' of the ground like the trompin' of horses but them troops mus' hev passed from the foot o' the mounting acrost the aidge of the Cove."

He tole Nate ez his land war ez steep an' rocky a spot ez thar war in Tennessee from e-end ter e-end. He axed Nate what ailed him ter hanker ter pay taxes on sech a pack o' bowlders an' bresh. He 'lowed the land warn't wuth a cent an acre." "What did Nate say?" asked Birt, who hung with feverish interest on every thoughtless word.

Thar's the road " he waved his hand toward that vague indentation in the foliage that marked the descent into the vale "an' down this e-end o' the Cove thar's nex' ter nobody livin'." The spirited equestrian figure was stand-ing as still as a statue; only the movement of the full pupils of his eyes, the dilation of the nostrils, showed how nearly the matter touched his tense nerves.

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