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Updated: August 11, 2024

His head distilled such oil upon his whiskers, that they were rich and clogged with unctuous drops; his face was violently inflamed, his limbs trembled; and he gasped and strove for breath. 'My good sir! cried Mr Pecksniff. 'Oh yes! returned the other; 'oh yes, certainly! Oh to be sure! Oh, of course! You hear him? You hear him? all of you! 'What's the matter? cried several voices.

Upon a subsequent report of the committee, the house resolved, that, to prevent the high price of wheat and bread, no spirits should be distilled from wheat for a limited time.

Under his gaze the pitiful and insignificant figure bore itself as with a majesty of rectitude. Mr. Ransome had before him a prescription, a medicine bottle, a large bottle of distilled water, two measuring-glasses, and a smaller bottle half full of a pale-amber liquid. He had been standing motionless, staring at these objects with a peculiar and intent solemnity.

He did not know that his betrayer had been distilled in far-off Scotland, and had lain away in vats a score of years awaiting that very moment to make him speak his honest thought just as the quiet, respectful waiter was bending behind him to pick up crumbs. Perhaps he could not even remember what he was saying when he was stopped by the long fingers which were thrust down the back of his neck.

And then for the first time he prayed to be delivered from his thoughts. Yet presently he left his seat and looked out of the window for a sight of the barkentine; but it was gone. The season of the wine-making passed, and the putting up of all the fruits that the mission fields grew. Lotions and medicines were distilled from the garden herbs.

"We would be pretty thirsty before there was enough water distilled for us all to drink," she thought to herself. "Well, we'll have to be getting home now," said Prudence, with a sigh. "It will be dark before so very long."

Merkle won't take you anywhere, for he's full of distilled water and has a directors' meeting at ten. I overflow with spirits and have a noontide engagement with an Ostermoor." "Why don't you ask Miss Demorest? She came with you?" Wharton sighed hopelessly. "Something queer about that Jane. D'you know what made us so late? She went to mass on the way down." "Mass? At that hour?"

We have all entered upon our second youth, with some disillusionments, with a little experience, and with the conviction that happiness what little of it is given to us on earth is not obtained by struggling, storming, and clamoring to heaven and earth WE MUST HAVE IT! but is slowly distilled from the inmost depths of the soul by the long persistence of quiet toil.

All the subtile strength of the hills ores and sweet waters and resinous perfumes and breath of healing leaf and root distilled to absolute purity in the clear ether that only sweeps from such bare, thunder-scoured summits made up the exhilarant draught in which they drank the mountain-joy and received afar off its baptism of delight.

As we sat together at the open casement, looking down on the flowers that sent up their perfumes to her latticed window like fragrant tributes from a fountain of distilled sweet waters, she pointed out, among the neighboring farm-houses and villas, the residences of her friends, in all of whom she seemed to have the most affectionate interest.

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