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What is the necessity for the continuous introduction of oxygen into the body, while food is introduced only at intervals? How are the red corpuscles able to take up and give off oxygen? How is the plasma able to take up and give off carbon dioxide?

If thirty cubic inches of air pass from the lungs at each expiration and 4.5 per cent of this is carbon dioxide, calculate the number of cubic feet of the gas expelled in twenty-four hours, estimating the number of respirations at eighteen per minute. What is the weight of this volume of carbon dioxide, if one cubic foot weigh 1.79 ounces?

In a sponge, its purpose is to blend the ingredients after they have been mixed, as well as to permit the growth of the yeast; in a dough, after the gas has been evenly distributed by means of kneading, the purpose of rising is to permit the incorporation of a sufficient quantity of carbon dioxide to make the bread light when it is baked.

These are attached to a large flattened bag which floats above the embryo against the upper side of the shell. This bag is called the allantois, and serves as a sort of lung for the developing chick. The shell is porous enough to allow air to pass through it. The blood vessels of the allantois take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide through the porous shell.

Without it a mammal will perish in less than three minutes; hence there is no need of the body so urgent as that of oxygen. It is also of great moment that the waste the carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid gas should be got rid of rapidly; nevertheless, it is not this gas which kills when the air-passages are closed, though it is highly deleterious.

After two hours of work, reentering to snatch some food and rest, I found a noticeable difference between the clean elastic fluid supplied me by the Rouquayrol device and the Nautilus's atmosphere, which was already charged with carbon dioxide. The air hadn't been renewed in forty-eight hours, and its life-giving qualities were considerably weakened.

This led to a remarkable series of experiments in which it was repeatedly demonstrated that a man could live and work for a week at a time without experiencing any ill effects whatever in an atmosphere of his own breath containing as high as 1.86 per cent. of carbon dioxide, or, in other words, the air had its impurity increased 62 times.

*Final Disposition of Carbon Dioxide.*—It is readily seen that the union of carbon and oxygen, which is continually removing oxygen from the air and replacing it with carbon dioxide, tends to make the whole atmosphere deficient in the one and to have an excess of the other. This tendency is counteracted through the agency of vegetation.

Heat, moisture and the action of bacteria are factors in promoting the changes. There is no more restless activity than may be found among the elements composing a productive soil. Calcium is an element which will unite with oxygen and carbon dioxide to form a compound known as calcium carbonate. The chemist's symbol for calcium is Ca.

But it will take the algae about two hundred years to split the carbon dioxide and give the atmosphere a breathable amount of free oxygen, to say nothing of cracking the poisonous formaldehyde." "Two-and-Two's back in Jarviston, then?" Nelsen demanded. "No not anymore just gimme breath," Hines went on.