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Updated: August 24, 2024

If you liked I wouldn't mind going to New York. And then, perhaps, we might get married, you know, on board. That's what Didon thinks. 'And would Didon go too? 'That's what she proposes. She could go as my aunt, and I'd call myself by her name, any French name you know. I should go as a French girl. And you could call yourself Smith, and be an American.

The mistake into which Captain Milius had been led by his treacherous visitor was therefore not discovered until the Phoenix was close to the Didon, which ship, hoisting her colours, fired a gun to windward, and at 8:45 a.m. opened her broadside.

'And where is the money you took from your mother? Marie was silent. 'Who got the cheque changed? 'Didon did. 'And has she got the money? 'No, papa. 'Have you got it? 'No, papa. 'Did you give it to Sir Felix Carbury? 'Yes, papa. 'Then I'll be hanged if I don't prosecute him for stealing it. 'Oh, papa, don't do that; pray don't do that. He didn't steal it.

"Do they live there alone?" "Yes, quite alone. They rent the place from Père Didon. He owns most of the houses in this street, you know, and is a regular skinflint. He won't let any one get behind with their rent for an hour.

Now must he certainly go to New York. She made him a little curtsey, and without a word handed him an envelope, soft and fat with rich enclosures. He bade her wait a moment, and going into a little waiting-room counted the notes. The money was all there; the full sum of £250. He must certainly go to New York. 'C'est tout èn regle? said Didon in a whisper as he returned to the hall.

The gentleman in imperfect French suggested that Didon had better return with her mistress. But Didon clamoured only the more. No; she would go to New York. She would go wherever she pleased; all the world over. Nobody should stop her. Then she addressed herself in what little English she could command to half-a-dozen cab-men who were standing round and enjoying the scene.

She asked Didon her opinion whether that American clergyman of whom they had heard would marry them on board, and whether in that event the dress would be fit for the occasion. Didon thought that the man, if sufficiently paid, would marry them, and that the dress would not much signify.

'I am afraid I must persist in asserting that you are Miss Melmotte, said the gentleman, 'and that this other person is your servant, Elise Didon. You speak English, Miss Melmotte. Marie declared that she spoke French. 'And English too, said the gentleman. 'I think you had better make up your minds to go back to London. I will accompany you. 'Ah, Didon, nous sommes perdues! exclaimed Marie.

Soon afterwards a light air of wind springing up, the Phoenix, trimming her sails, stood down towards the Didon, and having got within gunshot, was about to open her fire, when the French frigate, being utterly helpless, hauled down her colours.

Truth obliges me to say, that, of PICCINI'S works, no opera is now played but his Didon, and that his other productions, which, to the best of my recollection, are Alys, an opera called Iphigenie en Tauride, and Penelope, have fallen. This was ascribed to the mediocrity of the language; a part of an opera somewhat essential, though no great attention seems to be bestowed on it.

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