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'I beg leave, said Bertram, his recollection turning to the gipsy female and to the promise he had given her 'I beg leave to decline answering that question. 'I thought as much, said Sir Robert. 'Were you not during that night in the ruins of Derncleugh? in the ruins of Derncleugh, sir? 'I have told you that I do not intend answering that question, replied Bertram.

'And in this country? 'And in this country. She was at the Kaim of Derncleugh, at Vanbeest Brown's last wake, as they call it, the other night, with two of my people, and some of her own blasted gipsies. 'That's another breaker ahead, Captain! Will she not squeak, think ye?

Another opinion, which was also plausibly supported, went to charge this horrid crime upon the late tenants of Derncleugh. They were known to have resented highly the conduct of the Laird of Ellangowan towards them, and to have used threatening expressions, which every one supposed them capable of carrying into effect.

A dozen mouths were opened to communicate hopes which no one felt. Some one at length mentioned the gipsies! In a moment Ellangowan had reascended the cliffs, flung himself upon the first horse he met, and rode furiously to the huts at Derncleugh.

Her way was as straight, and nearly as swift, as that of a bird through the air. At length they reached those thickets of natural wood which extended from the skirts of the common towards the glades and brook of Derncleugh, and were there lost to the view. 'This is very extraordinary, said Lucy after a pause, and turning round to her companion; 'what can he have to do with that old hag?

He bowed, spurred his horse, and galloped off. We now return to Bertram and Dinmont, who continued to follow their mysterious guide through the woods and dingles between the open common and the ruined hamlet of Derncleugh. As she led the way she never looked back upon her followers, unless to chide them for loitering, though the sweat, in spite of the season, poured from their brows.

The Laird had by this time determined to make root-and-branch work with the Maroons of Derncleugh. The old servants shook their heads at his proposal, and even Dominie Sampson ventured upon an indirect remonstrance. As, however, it was couched in the oracular phrase, 'Ne moveas Camerinam, neither the allusion, nor the language in which it was expressed, were calculated for Mr.

The Laird had by this time determined to make root-and-branch work with the Maroons of Derncleugh. The old servants shook their heads at his proposal, and even Dominie Sampson ventured upon an indirect remonstrance. As, however, it was couched in the oracular phrase, 'Ne moveas Camerinam, neither the allusion, nor the language in which it was expressed, were calculated for Mr.

Glossin laid his finger upon his lips with a cautious glance at the door, and then proceeded in his instructions. 'When you escape, you had better go to the Kaim of Derncleugh. 'Donner! that howff is blown. 'The devil! well, then, you may steal my skiff that lies on the beach there, and away. But you must remain snug at the Point of Warroch till I come to see you.

Her way was as straight, and nearly as swift, as that of a bird through the air. At length they reached those thickets of natural wood which extended from the skirts of the common towards the glades and brook of Derncleugh, and were there lost to the view. "This is very extraordinary," said Lucy after a pause, and turning round to her companion "What can he have to do with that old hag?"