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This, indeed, is a kind of depletion which no country can bear long; and, as it is, at the moment we are writing this, progressing at a rate beyond all precedent, it will not, we trust, be altogether uninteresting to inquire into some of the causes that have occasioned it.

This new-born prosperity the Primate and politicians of his school would have met by an annual depletion of the treasury, instead of assisting its march by the reduction of taxes, and the promotion of necessary public works.

Organizing and arming the loyalists Burnside concentrates near Greeneville His general plan Rumors of Confederate reinforcements Lack of accurate information The Ninth Corps in Kentucky Its depletion by malarial disease Death of General Welsh from this cause Preparing for further work Situation on 16th September Dispatch from Halleck Its apparent purpose Necessity to dispose of the enemy near Virginia border Burnside personally at the front His great activity Ignorance of Rosecrans's peril Impossibility of joining him by the 20th Ruinous effects of abandoning East Tennessee Efforts to aid Rosecrans without such abandonment Enemy duped into burning Watauga bridge themselves Ninth Corps arriving Willcox's division garrisons Cumberland Gap Reinforcements sent Rosecrans from all quarters Chattanooga made safe from attack The supply question Meigs's description of the roads Burnside halted near Loudon Halleck's misconception of the geography The people imploring the President not to remove the troops How Longstreet got away from Virginia Burnside's alternate plans Minor operations in upper Holston valley Wolford's affair on the lower Holston.

That is to say, ceded railway systems are not to bear any share in the general depletion and deterioration of the German rolling-stock as a whole. This is a loss which in course of time can doubtless be made good. But lack of lubricating oils and the prodigious wear and tear of the war, not compensated by normal repairs, had already reduced the German railway system to a low state of efficiency.

The excessive spring kill greatly depletes the females and young, as it takes place in the whelping season, when the herds are moving north along the off-shore ice; and this depletion naturally spoils not only the Newfoundlanders' permanent industry itself but the much smaller inshore autumn catch by our own Canadian Labradorians, when the herds are moving south.

For the moment she was benumbed, out-wearied with effort and enervated by the strain and depletion of force. She wished herself unconscious again, and looked back into the absence of sentiency from which she had issued, as a pilgrim reëntering the desert may recall the groves of Mekka and the silence of the Khabian tomb.

Portal depletion is of great advantage, especially if the amount of liquid ingested is kept as low as possible, so that the blood vessels may become thirsty and thus tend to absorb an exudate wherever they find it. Much harm has been done, however, and death has been caused by saline purgatives in endeavoring to relieve edemas from a failing heart or to prevent a uremia from kidney inflammation.

Further to complicate the financial trials of the burdensome mid-nineties, the depletion of the gold reserve demanded immediate attention. During the closing months of President Harrison's administration, in fact, the Secretary of the Treasury had ordered the preparation of plates for engraving an issue of bonds by which to borrow sufficient gold to replenish the redemption fund.

As the dreary days of inaction and depletion passed, the deterioration of military spirit among our people manifested itself more and more plainly. British soldiers stolidly watched the Afghans destroying our bridge across the Cabul river, within a quarter of a mile from cantonments.

The process of repletion and depletion is produced by the attraction of like to like, after the manner of the universal motion. The external elements by their attraction are always diminishing the substance of the body: the particles of blood, too, formed out of the newly digested food, are attracted towards kindred elements within the body and so fill up the void.