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"Yehs knows, damn it, yehs kin have all got, 'cause I'm stuck on yehs, Nell, damn't, I I'm stuck on yehs, Nell buy drinksh damn't we're havin' heluva time w'en anyone trea's me ri' I damn't, Nell we're havin' heluva time." Shortly he went to sleep with his swollen face fallen forward on his chest. The women drank and laughed, not heeding the slumbering man in the corner.

"They took up a purse an' wanted to give me a perscription damn't, but I told 'em t' turn it in t' the Horspital. Any man w'd a' done same for a yellow dog. What d'y' want t' give a fellow a medal for not bein' stinkin' coward?" Eleanor laughed. It was a happy silver laugh like the light on the Ridge cataracts.

The driver 'lowed he was: that 'un dappled on the rump there, that 'un was foaled, let me see? year o' the rush to the Black Hills, with a squirt of chewing tobacco over the front wheel and a damn't, and another squirt and more damn't's; and before Eleanor realized the one-armed driver had asked her if she wouldn't like to learn to drive double tandems; and she had the reins in her hands; and the double tandem grays took the bit in their teeth to show what double tandem grays and ample oats could do.

"Why, it was the year o' the Kootenay rush, ye mind? No, ye don't mind, ye weren't born then, were y'? Damn't," and a punctuation in tobacco. "Wall, 'twas in the early days 'fore we had steam hoists an' things." Guess the shaft was about hundred feet down straight down, an' we was gettin' in the pay streak, bringin' up barrels o' rock showin' more color every load.

"How-do," called the driver with a squirt of tobacco over the front wheel at a rancher loping across the trail. "How-do; y' are up early, y' son of a gun! What d' y' know?" "Senator's goin' t' stand again this fall," called the man. The driver emitted another damn't in true Western style just as innocently as an Easterner says "Oh, yes, indeed," or an Englishman says "My word."

I yelled for a kid we had workin' round to get me a jack wrench, a hand spike, Hell, any ol' thing to stop her kitin' that load o' rock down on the boys! Kid stood gopin' there an' sayin' 'What d'y' say? Say, damn't an' that load o' rock goin' plumb down on the boys, heavy enough to smash 'em to pulp.

"Yehs knows, damn it, yehs kin have all got, 'cause I'm stuck on yehs, Nell, damn't, I I'm stuck on yehs, Nell buy drinksh damn't we're havin' heluva time w'en anyone trea's me ri' I damn't, Nell we're havin' heluva time." Shortly he went to sleep with his swollen face fallen forward on his chest. The women drank and laughed, not heeding the slumbering man in the corner.