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We drove to Dalhousie Castle, where the gallant Earl, who had done so much to distinguish the British name in all and every quarter of the globe, is repairing the castle of his ancestors, which of yore stood a siege against John of Gaunt.

Still, he took the precaution to examine the caps upon his pistol, and have his bowie-knife in a convenient place for immediate use. Dalhousie was the first to speak. "Your business here?" demanded he, regardless of the courtesy to which he had been all his life accustomed.

"I will, if you wish but it won't do any good.... I went out, to my cousins'. And at the door, as I came back, I I met Colonel Dalhousie. He stopped me ... expressed his opinion of me. He said things that I I " She stopped precipitately, with a break in her voice; turned from him. "Oh! I understand ... Poor little girl."

I wrote to him several times, but never received an answer." "Who was your father, madam?" said Mr. Faxon, with much sympathy in the tones of his voice. "I dread even to mention the name I bore in the innocent days of childhood." "Fie, Delia!" said Dalhousie, with a pleasant laugh, "what have you done to sink yourself so far in your own estimation?

The tree is still flourishing , and the belief in its sympathy with the family is not yet extinct, as an old forester, on seeing a large branch fall from it on a quiet still day in July 1874, exclaimed, "The laird's deed noo!" and accordingly news came soon after that Fox Maule, 11th Earl of Dalhousie, had died. The Coalstoun Pear was removed from Dalhousie to Coalstoun House in 1861.

There was a knock at the door, causing her to start violently, and spill some of the cocktail. However, it was not Colonel Dalhousie, but only the maid Flora, who entered with that air of eager hurry so characteristic of an habitually tardy race.

From this point the business part of Calcutta extends in a northerly direction, including Dalhousie Square, with its many buildings, among which conspicuous stands the domed Post Office the vista closing gracefully with the shapely spire of St. Andrew's Church.

Occupying as it does the whole of the north side of Dalhousie Square has been changed and altered out of all knowledge and recognition. It was formerly, before Government took it over, a plain white stuccoed building utterly devoid of any pretensions to architectural beauty, and depending mainly for any chance claim to recognition on its immense length.

There, from Dalhousie and Canning to Lawrence and Mayo, and their still surviving successors, we have seen pageants and durbars more splendid, and representing a wider extent of territory, from Yarkand to Bangkok, than even the Sultanised Englishman as Sir James Mackintosh called Wellesley, ever dreamed of in his most imperial aspirations.

However, he succeeded in giving a description, which, from its general terms, might have applied to one mourning ring as well as another. "Is this the one?" asked Dalhousie, with an anxiety which he could scarcely conceal, as he produced a ring. "That is it," replied Jaspar, confidently; and the jewel did bear some resemblance to that worn by Emily. "But where did you obtain this?"