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It seems that Winthrop and his Boston friends did not intend to do more than to restore De la Tour to St. Johns, which D'Aulnay was then besieging. But the original wrong had its natural result. When D'Aulnay saw his rival's formidable fleet approaching he promptly raised the blockade and made haste to get under the protection of his stronghold at Port Royal.

He noticed his subordinate approaching with the friar. The men sent to execute Klussman were dispersed to their tents. "The Swiss hath suffered his punishment?" he inquired. "Yes, my lord D'Aulnay. I met the soldiers returning." "Did he say anything further concerning the state of the fort?" "I know not, my lord. But I will call the men to be questioned." "Let it be.

But have them out directly, Klussman. We must not be rigorous. Did they bear any papers?" "No, madame; and they said they had naught to do with D'Aulnay, but were on a mission to the Abenakis around Penobscot, and had lost their course and wandered here.

There was the neighborhood of the Boulevart d'Aulnay, and the Rue de la Roquette, ghastly with the trades of death; a whole Quartier of monumental sculptors, makers of iron crosses, weavers of funereal chaplets, and wholesale coffin-factors. A dark arch here and there the mouth of a foul alley a riverside vista of gloom and squalor, marked the entrance to these Alsatias.

But D'Aulnay begged Father Jogues to excuse him while he finished a moment's duty, and he would then come out and escort his guest into the fortress. The urgent demand, however, of a missionary to whom even the king had shown favor, was not to be denied. D'Aulnay had the gates set ajar; and pushing through their aperture came in Father Jogues with his donné and two companions.

"You know, I owe you a grudge," he said, interrupting Barroux. The other looked at him in astonishment. "And why, pray?" he asked. "Why, because you never helped me in the matter of that friend of mine who wishes to make her debut in 'Polyeucte." Barroux smiled, and with amiable condescension replied: "Ah! yes, Silviane d'Aulnay! But, my dear sir, it was Taboureau who put spokes in the wheel.

"Who has broken into this post with a baby? There may be men concealed overhead." He grasped his pistols, but no men-at-arms appeared with the haggard woman who crept down from her hiding-place near the joists. "Are you some spy sent from D'Aulnay?" inquired La Tour. "Monsieur, how can you so accuse a poor outcast mother!" whispered Marie.

Without asking anybody's advice she decided that the Hollandais Van Corlaer and the Jesuit priest Father Jogues would be wholesome checks upon D'Aulnay de Charnisay when her lady opened the fort to him. The weather must have prevented Van Corlaer from getting beyond the sound of cannon, and neither he nor the priest could indifferently leave the lady of St.

"You know, I owe you a grudge," he said, interrupting Barroux. The other looked at him in astonishment. "And why, pray?" he asked. "Why, because you never helped me in the matter of that friend of mine who wishes to make her /debut/ in 'Polyeucte." Barroux smiled, and with amiable condescension replied: "Ah! yes, Silviane d'Aulnay! But, my dear sir, it was Taboureau who put spokes in the wheel.

This gave the women a chance to backbite her, to note her roused mood, and to accuse her among themselves of wishing evil to the fort and consequently to their husbands. "She hath the closest mouth in Acadia," murmured one. "Doth anybody in these walls certainly know that she came from D'Aulnay?" "The Swiss, her husband, told it."