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I am afraid that you may be uncomfortable in that stage-coach which makes the run, and it is so easy to spare you two and a half hours of discomfort! We embrace you full of hope. I am working like an ox so as to have my novel finished and not to have to think of it a minute when you are here. G. Sand CXLII. TO GUSTAVE FLAUBERT Nohant, 19 December, 1869 So women are in it too?

I cried unto Thee, O Lord, and said, Thou art my Hope. When my spirit was in heaviness, then Thou knewest my path. Ps. cxlii. 4, 5. Gracious is the Lord, and righteous, yea, our God is merciful. I was in misery, and He helped me. Ps. cxvi. 5, 6.

The ladle illustrated in plate CXLII, e, is one of the most beautiful in the collection. It is decorated with a picture of an unknown animal with a single feather on the head. The eyes are double and the snout continued into a long stick or tube, on which the animal stands.

Likewise, Psalm cxlii: "I cried unto the Lord with my voice; with my voice unto the Lord did I make my supplication. I poured out my complaint before Him; I showed before Him my trouble."

John, ought not to stand on the left of the cross, in allusion to Psalm cxlii. On the other hand, when the Crucifixion is treated as a great historical event, as a living scene acted before our eyes, then the position and sentiment given to the Virgin are altogether different, but equally fixed by the traditions of art. That she was present, and near at hand, we must presume from the Gospel of St.

At this explanation they had a hearty laugh and went back to the house. CXLII. The Too Particular Wife. There was once a man with a large tumour on his forehead and his wife was so ashamed of it that she would never go about with him anywhere for fear of being laughed at. One day she went with a party of friends to see the Charak Puja.

When before our own households and with those who know us best, and by whose side we toil, in shop, or store, or office, or with those whom we employ, we keep ourselves unspotted from the world, we have an unanswerable argument for Christ and a testimony as regards the value of following Him which cannot be gainsayed. No Man cared for my Soul "No man cared for my soul," Psalm cxlii. 4.

The artistic tendency of the ancient people of Sikyatki apparently exhibited itself in painting these feathers on the outside of similar small vases. Plate CXLII, a, shows one of these vessels, decorated with an elaborate design with four breath-feathers suspended from the equator.