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Samuel Adams, and Robert Treat Paine set out "from Boston, from Mr. Cushing's house, and rode to Coolidge's, where they dined... with a large company of gentlemen, who went out and prepared an entertainment for them at that place.

The most temperate of men, ordinarily, the colonel had one anniversary he loved to celebrate, and Sloat was his stand-by when the 3d of July came round, just as he had been at his shoulder at that supreme moment when, heedless of the fearful sweep of shell and canister through their shattered ranks, Pickett's heroic Virginians breasted the slope of Cemetery Hill and surged over the low stone wall into Cushing's guns.

And finally, follow the winding of the pellucid stream until it is ejected through a narrow passageway into the turbulent Colorado. Cushing's Story of the Havasupais. On returning from the Havasupai village, come out by the Wallapai Trail or ascend the steep cleft of the Hopi Trail.

Or perhaps this letter expresses Mr. Cushing's notion of what a proper answer to a dinner-invitation should be.

All was going well, but while still close to the abandoned works Cushing's little steamer ran aground, and, despite every effort, he could not work her free. He saw it was useless to try to get the boat off. He therefore took everything out of her, excepting the pivot gun and ammunition, and, placing them on board one of the captured schooners, ordered the crew to leave.

John Adams, in a letter to his wife, written the next day, said that Mr. Cushing's motion was opposed by a member from New York, and one from South Carolina, because the assembly was composed of men of so many different denominations Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Quakers, Anabaptists, and Episcopalians, that they could not join in the same act of worship. "Then Mr.

In these days, when everybody's correspondence is published as soon as he is dead, or during his life, if he is unfortunate enough to be the Director of an Observatory, and there is a chance of injuring him by the breach of confidence, we cannot help thinking that the forms we have given above are not only more compendious, but safer, than Mr. Cushing's.

Cushing's letter, he has studied this organ of the sympathizers with the Pre-established Harmonies, certainly there is a singular coincidence in the sentiments of both, so far as we can make them out.

The men had been away from the boat for some hours, and were famished. Food must be had. But how to get it? Cushing's solution of the problem was characteristic. Having captured some other prisoners, he learned that a store was to be found about two miles off. A prisoner about Howarth's size was ordered to strip, and Howarth put on his clothing.

He returned to Cushing's guns, and being in the mental attitude of intense attention to things he would not usually have noticed, he was struck with the young captain's manly build, and then with his delicacy of feature, something girl-like and gentle in his ways. Penhallow remarked that the guns so hot already from the sun would be too easily overheated when they were put to use.