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Updated: August 21, 2024

Yours, sincerely, ADELA CUNYNGHAM." Well, luncheon was not much in his way, for he usually dined at five; nevertheless, Lady Adela was an especial friend of his and had been very kind to him, and here was some serious business.

'And then to gammon her, in the Examiner, With a paragraph short and sweet. Well, now, tell me about that very striking-looking girl, or woman, rather, whom you took in to dinner. I asked you who she was when she came into the room." "That was Miss Honnor Cunyngham." "Not the salmon-fishing young lady I have heard you speak of?" "Yes." "Why, she didn't look like that," said Mangan, thoughtfully.

The end of it was that the beast shook off the fly for itself, and old Robert found it; but I wonder whether it were real rage that made Honnor Cunyngham hook the stot " "Of course not!" he said. "It was a mere piece of fun."

What was it Honnor Cunyngham had brought down-stairs for him? However trivial it might be, surely it was something he could keep. She had given it to him for good luck; but her wishes were not confined to this one day?

Let our motto be, 'All for love, and the world well lost." Yes, a very pretty bargain; but as he considered that he was now wandering into the region of romance a region which he unhesitatingly scorned as having no relation with the facts of the world he withdrew from that futile and useless and idle speculation, and took to thinking of Miss Honnor Cunyngham as she actually was, and wondering over which of the Aivron pools the proud-featured fisher-maiden would be casting at this moment.

She rather feels that, in becoming an authoress, she has allied herself with literary people and would naturally like to make acquaintances; so, if it came to that, I should consider myself empowered to ask Quirk whether he would accept an invitation to dinner I mean, at Cunyngham Lodge. It's no use asking you, Maurice?" he added, with a little hesitation. Maurice Mangan laughed.

But that he should have asked Honnor Cunyngham to come and look on at the antics of this gaping and grinning fool; that she should know he had to consort with such folk; that she should consider him an aider and abettor in putting this kind of entertainment before the public this galled him to the quick. The murmur of the Aivron and the Geinig seemed dinning in his ears.

Even with Miss Burgoyne's grudgingly promised assistance, Lionel still remained unaccountably perturbed about that visit of Lady Cunyngham and her daughter; and when on the Saturday evening he first became aware through the confused glare of the footlights that the two ladies had come into the box he had secured for them, it seemed to him as though he were responsible for every single feature of the performance.

But the truth was that he had never been passionately in love with Honnor Cunyngham. Passionate love he did not much believe in; he associated it with lime-light and crowded audiences and the odor of gas. Indeed, it might almost be said that he had been in love not so much with Honnor Cunyngham as with the condition of life which she represented.

At the very height of the London season Lady Adela Cunyngham and her sisters, Lady Sybil and Lady Rosamund Bourne, had taken the town by storm; and it seemed probable that, before they departed for Scotland, they would leave quite a trail of glory behind them in the social firmament.

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