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This entirely removes any suggestion of a dining-room, as the consoles may be separated and stand against the wall during the day. Many modern houses are being built without the conventional dining-room we have known so long, there being instead an open-air breakfast room which may be glazed in winter and screened in summer.

You can bet me an' Billy ain't holdin' out no paternal corpses none on their weepin' offsprings. "Followin' of his bluff, 'Doby goes over an' consoles with the Mexican's daughter, which her name's Manuela, an' she don't look so bad neither.

He grumbles at everything, consoles himself for everything, jests at everything, forgets, desires, and tastes everything, seizes all with passion, quits all with indifference his kings, his conquests, his glory, his idols of bronze or glass as he throws away his stockings, his hats, and his fortune.

And here we speak of special faith which believes the present promise, not only that which in general believes that God exists, but which believes that the remission of sins is offered. This use of the Sacrament consoles godly and alarmed minds.

Again "Shelley and Clara explain as usual." Mary writes "Nov. 26. Work, &c. &c. Clara in ill humour. She reads The Italian. Shelley sits up and talks her into humour." Dec. 19. A discussion concerning female character. Clara imagines that I treat her unkindly. Mary consoles her with her all-powerful benevolence. She was very unhappy; I leave her tranquil."

They impoverish themselves from year to year. They sell their land to the peasants. Soon they will be reduced to beggary, and their escutcheons. What consoles me is, that the peasant, having become the proprietor of our domains will then be all-powerful, and will yoke to his chariot wheels these traders in scrip and stocks, whom he hates as much as I execrate them myself."

These groinings spring from short pillars of hewn stone that only reach part way down the wall to the floor and run to a point. These consoles are highly ornamented with sculpture. The mouldings round the doors, and the stone window frames and sashes, are wonderfully well done, and would highly ornament a church of the nineteenth century.

This is the great advantage of this unwritten literature: there is no bother in changing the books. The contemplative man consoles himself for the destiny of the species with the lost portion of Kubla Khan. It is part of the excessive egotism of the human animal that the bare idea of its extinction seems incredible to it.

Palms, orange and lemon trees, flowering cacti, and large-leaved cane-plants, are grouped about; consoles and marble tables, covered with the loveliest cut flowers. Near the door, in the first of these floral saloons where sweet scents made the air heavy, stands the Countess Orsetti.

Flowers had been put in the china vases upon the tables two handsome lamps, shaded with gauzes, stood upon the consoles illustrated books, prints, and caricatures, were scattered about.