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Even "a domicile" merely the word of every shopman is, in the unconscious mouths of the speakers, always awaiting the lightest touch of farce, if only an Englishman hears it; so is the advice of the police that you shall "circuler" in the street; so is the request, posted up, that you shall not, in the churches.

Comme ce manque d'appetit m'affaiblera inevitablement s'il continue longtemps et que l'affaiblissement amenerait probablement un mauvais etat du systeme nerveux, je crois que le plus sage serait de renoncer pour cette fois au voyage en Angleterre et de revenir au Pre-Charmoy comme un faux billet indigne de circuler. "Comme je te l'ai promis, je fais ce qui me semble etre le plus sage.

If you will send twenty-five cents with the enclosed card, which you will fill out, we will put you in direct correspondance with the gentleman, and the degree ordained by the planets will thus be fulfilled. Please show this circuler to your friends, and oblige "Astrologer."

Il m'a repondu par telegramme qu'au recu de ma lettre l'indignation avait ete generale parmi les officiers et qu'ils preparent une protestation qu'ils m'enverront pour que je la fasse circuler autant que possible dans la presse francaise. Le retard a ete probablement occasionne par les mouvements de la flotte." A few days later the following letter was received by Mr. Hamerton:

Possibly he may have meant to be kind; but I saw BORGIA written all over him. I refused his offer with effusion. When he asked me my age, he said, insinuatingly, "Vous etes bien jeune, Madame, pour circuler seule ainsi dans Paris." I answered, "Je ne suis pas seule, Monsieur. I considered this extremely diplomatic.

Even "a domicile" merely the word of every shopman is, in the unconscious mouths of the speakers, always awaiting the lightest touch of farce, if only an Englishman hears it; so is the advice of the police that you shall "circuler" in the street; so is the request, posted up, that you shall not, in the churches.

The black Mountains he Says is verry high, and Some parts of it has Snow on it in the Summer great quantities of Pine Grow on the mountains, a great noise is heard frequently on those mountains-, on the mountains great numbers of goat, and a kind of Anamale with large Circuler horns, This animale is nearly the Size of an Argalia Small Elk.