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"Ju-Ju!" crowed the General, leaping almost out of Judy's arms, and scenting fun with the instinct of a veteran. Down the passage they went, the other five behind to watch proceedings. Judy sat down with him on the last step. "Boy want chuck-chuck, pretty chuck-chuck?" she said insidiously. "Chuck-chuck, chuck-a-chuck," he gurgled, looking all around for his favourite friends.

And then in the distance there is some other bird with only a faint chuck-chuck that has no energy or enthusiasm, as if all hope were lost; none the less, from within some shady nook it cannot resist uttering this little plaint: chuck, chuck, chuck.

Across the river, at Emmerick's Landing, a little cluster of unpainted cabins, lies the white barge of a photographer, just such a home as the Derby artist covets. The Ohio is here about half-a-mile wide, but high-pitched voices of people on the opposite bank are plainly heard across the smooth sounding-board; and in the quiet evening air comes to us the "chuck-chuck" of oars nearly a mile away.

She struck Yellowjacket with her quirt and sent him sidling past the wagon and the tricky Caroline, too stubborn to answer her dad when he called after her that she had better ride behind the load. She went on, making Yellowjacket trot when he did not want to trot down hill. Behind her she heard the chuck-chuck of the loaded wagon.

She struck Yellowjacket with her quirt and sent him sidling past the wagon and the tricky Caroline, too stubborn to answer her dad when he called after her that she had better ride behind the load. She went on, making Yellowjacket trot when he did not want to trot down hill. Behind her she heard the chuck-chuck of the loaded wagon.

"Dad got lots all THIS many," said Judy, opening her arms very wide to denote the number in her father's possession. "Boydie, go get them!" "Chuck-chuck," crowed the General delightedly, and struggling to his feet "find chuck-chuck." "In there," whispered Judy, giving him a gentle push into the half-open dining-room door; "ask Dad."

From time to time they all rose at once, and after a short flight, settled again in a row, without uttering a caw.... From the wood close by came twice repeated the drowsy, fresh chuck-chuck of the black-cock, beginning to fly into the dewy grass, overgrown by brambles.... With a faint tremor all over me I made my way to my bed, and soon fell into a sound sleep.

I could hear behind it all the incessant "chuck-chuck, chuck-chuck," of the ice colliding on the river. It was very cold, and we hurried back to Anglisky Prospect. Markovitch was quite silent all the way.

"Chuck-chuck, chuck-a-chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck," said the General, going down promptly upon all fours to seek for the feathered darlings Judy had said were here. But Esther gathered up the dear, dirty-faced young rascal and bore him struggling out of the room. At the foot of the stairs she nearly stumbled over the rest of the family.

On the wall the lizards, awakened by the sudden glare, resumed their fly-catching, and scuttled with a dry, scurrying sound over the walls, breaking the silence with a perpetual "chuck-chuck" as they chased each other. Joicey looked as though he was dreaming evil dreams, and nothing of his surroundings was real to him.