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Updated: August 5, 2024

In the broad main thoroughfare of Delhi the Chandni Chowk one constantly meets ponderous elephants, solemn and awkward camels, fine Arabian horses, and the diminutive, toy-like ponies of Cashmere.

One after one, five other men reported him nearly all the way through Delhi, through the Chandni Chowk where the last man but one nearly lost him in the evening crowd to the narrow place where, with a bend in the street to either hand, is Yasmini's. The last man watched him through Yasmini's outer door and up the lower stairs before hurrying back to the squadron.

How shall I avoid customaree stigma attaching to bearer of ill tidings?" "Speak!" said the German. "I won't hurt you!" "Sahib, in pursuit unavailingly of chance emolument in neighborhood of Chandni Chowk just recently " "How recently?" the German asked. "Oh, my God! So recently that there are yet erections of cuticle all down my back!

The next morning the travellers visited the Mosque of Pearls, where the ancient emperors came to perform their devotions. The interior is of carved ivory. From this little gem of a church the company were driven to the Chandi Chowk, which is a boulevard, planted with trees and lined with elegant buildings.

As he set the second lamp down he became aware of a subtle interesting smell, and memory took back at once to Yasmini's room in the Chandni Chowk in Delhi where he had smelled it first. It was the peculiar scent he had been told was Yasmini's own a blend of scents, like a chord of music, in which musk did not predominate.

And when Barlow had come forth the Bagree trailed him up through the chowk; and just as the man he followed came to the end of the narrow crowded way, Hunsa saw Bootea, coming from the opposite direction, suddenly stop, and her eyes go wide as they were fixed on the face of the tall Patan. "It is the accursed Sahib," Hunsa snarled between his grinding teeth.

A good deal of my spare time, while Jane was hors de combat, was spent in the jewellers' shops of the Chandni chowk, the principal merchants' quarter of Delhi. I do not think that anything very special in the way of a "bargain" is to be obtained by the amateur, although stones are undoubtedly cheaper than in London.

The gatehouse is held by a strong force of native policemen, armed as if they were soldiers; and as I pass the guard I stand in the Chowk itself, in the midst of a throng of gaily clad male pedestrians, women in chintz trousers, laden donkeys, multitudinous children, and still more multitudinous stinks.

The gold is counted, and you receive a salaam, as you depart, which might have been accorded to the Queen of Sheba. In the broad main thoroughfare of Delhi, the Chandni Chowk, one constantly meets ponderous elephants, solemn and awkward camels, fine Arabian horses, and the diminutive toy-like pony of Cashmere.

I gave him a noncommittal smile and walked to the lane. Retrieving my bundle, I joined Amar with conspiratorial caution. We drove to Chadni Chowk, a merchandise center. For months we had been saving our tiffin money to buy English clothes. Knowing that my clever brother could easily play the part of a detective, we thought to outwit him by European garb.

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