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"Perhaps it fell out of a motor-car," said the chemist. "It looks as if it might have belonged to some fine lady who was too wrapped up in herself to take proper care of it. There are many of that kind who come this way touring through Somerset and Devon." "I daresay you're right," and Helmsley gently stroked the tiny dog's soft silky coat.

His experiments on Prussian blue are most interesting, not only because of the enormous amount of work involved and the skill he displayed in his experiments, but because all the time the chemist was handling, smelling, and even tasting a compound of one of the most deadly poisons, ignorant of the fact that the substance was a dangerous one to handle.

Then came the chemist and druggist, with other tabular statements, showing that when they didn't get drunk, they took opium. Then came Mr. Gradgrind and Mr.

"Sleepin' draughts, heart mixture, nerve tonic, stomach mixture, and so forth." "And he can tell you," said Mr. Randall, "to a month's bookin' what meddycine he'll sell." "What's more," said the chemist, with a sinister intonation, "I can tell who'll want 'em." "Can you reelly now?" said Mrs. Randall. "Why, Fulleymore, you should have been a doctor. Shouldn't he, Emmy?" Mrs.

"You cannot mean to infer that Mannering had anything to do with that?" I asked, incredulously. "I infer nothing," replied Forrest. "But I do know that a pocketbook, which had belonged to a chemist attached to the exploring party, was one of the documents I found in his bag.

As a chemist will tell you the air which we breathe is a mixture of two gases one called nitrogen and the other oxygen; just as syrup, for instance, is a mixture of sugar and water.

Science invades everything nowadays, and the officials have recently had the water of one of the sacred wells analyzed by a chemist audacious dog of an infidel and here he comes with his CO2 and all the virtue of this water of life is gone. It is found unfit for human use, and the well is ordered to be closed.

"Ah, that I will leave you to find out. You have access to the facts. Just say that to him, and see what he says." "Very well but it's all extremely mysterious." We were running into Tadminster now, and Poirot directed the car to the "Analytical Chemist." Poirot hopped down briskly, and went inside. In a few minutes he was back again. "There," he said. "That is all my business."

At that moment the great Birmingham gas-company was employing the services of one trained chemist. Such was and is the neglect of science by business men. Could it have been otherwise, considering their bringing up? Let me again be reminiscent. How was science encouraged there?

Every one expected that the Avocat or the Little Chemist would rise; but while they looked at each other, waiting and sorrowful, and the Avocat's fingers fluttered to the seat in front of him, to draw himself up, a voice came from the corner opposite, saying: "M'sieu' le Cure, I will go."