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But let summer come, autumn and winter, the sorrows and cares of life, no dearth of wedded joys along-side! christenings, business, discord and difficulties, those who still after all that can compass the singing of a beautiful song, those, mark me, are entitled masters!" Aye, first, as a modern poet has said, warm natural drops of blood; later, the alchemist's laborious spheres of chemic gold.

But in some vague way every soul on board the little yacht felt the presence of another influence, and that, though they sailed in the same waters as yesterday, it was in another atmosphere; for an element had come among them that should produce a transformation as powerful as though it wrought a chemic change of their atoms.

And the smallness of his enemies that fool Stener, for instance, whose pictures she had seen in the papers. Actually, whenever in the presence of her Frank, she fairly seethed in a chemic agony for him her strong, handsome lover the strongest, bravest, wisest, kindest, handsomest man in the world. Oh, didn't she know!

In some constitutions there is a natural chemistry, and these constitutions may produce chemic wonders in others a natural fluid, call it electricity, and these may produce electric wonders. But the wonders differ from Normal Science in this they are alike objectless, purposeless, puerile, frivolous.

Liebig and others found that flesh soaked in alcohol would burn only until the alcohol was consumed. That various substances ignite spontaneously is explained by chemic phenomena, the conditions of which do not exist in the human frame. Watkins in speaking of the inflammability of the human body remarks that on one occasion he tried to consume the body of a pirate given to him by a U. S. Marshal.

An ancient dishcloth, succulent with active service, was considered a treat to be bolted whole; and when in due course the cloth was returned to earth, it was intact, bleached, purged, and purified as by chemic fires and ready for a new round of benevolences. In some seasons the dogs catch Rabbits enough to keep them up. But this year the Rabbits were gone.

Are they numerous who thus enrich the present with the disengaged agents of the past, the chemic powers obtained from that superincumbent atmosphere ever elastically stretching over them?

It is fated as the union of magnetic powers, it obeys chemic laws of irresistible combination. They are Isabel and Theophil, that is their love; they are in the world together, that is their marriage. But passion will not be all day a tragedian. He has many moods.

Draw him out of this limbo of irritability. Cleanse with healthy blood his parchment skin. You restore to him his eyes which he left in pledge at Mimir's spring. If you are the victim of your doing, who cares what you do? We can spare your opera, your gazetteer, your chemic analysis, your history, your syllogisms. Your man of genius pays dear for his distinction.

Disappointment and discouragement had also to be borne in silence and with patience. Of such a situation Davies says: "The power of the mind over the body is a scientific fact, as is evidenced by hypnotic suggestion and in the emotional control over the chemistry of health through the agency of the internal secretions. The reproductive processes are very susceptible to chemic influences.