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"Duke," said Flamarens, "you forget that to-morrow you are to command an expedition of the greatest importance, projected by the prince, assented to by the queen. Until to-morrow evening you are not at your own disposal." "Let it be then the day after to-morrow," said Aramis. "To-morrow, rather," said De Chatillon, "if you will take the trouble of coming so far as the gates of Charenton."

Everything tends to prove that the French Plenipotentiary had received no positive instructions from the 5th of February, and that, after all the delay which Napoleon constantly created, Caulaincourt never had it in his power to answer, categorically, the propositions of the Allies. Napoleon never intended to make peace at Chatillon on the terms proposed.

This set me observing him more narrowly, and though it was years since I had seen him I was certain it was the Cardinal of Châtillon. It was Odet de Coligny himself, not a doubt of it, and the lady was the noble woman who had sacrificed so much for his sake. He had married her prince of the Church though he was and had openly thrown in his lot with those of the New Faith.

On seeing them Athos and Aramis stood still. "Oh!" cried Aramis, "do you see, count?" "Yes," said Athos. "Who do these three cavaliers appear to you to be?" "What do you think, Aramis?" "Why, they are our men." "You are not mistaken; I recognize Monsieur de Flamarens." "And I, Monsieur de Chatillon." "As to the cavalier in the brown cloak " "It is the cardinal." "In person."

But the doom of the Christian power was sealed. Sunset found Saladin Lord of Palestine, the Christian chivalry strewn in heaps upon the field, and the King of Jerusalem, the Grand Master of the Templars, and Raynauld of Chatillon, captives in the Sultan's tent. Saladin treated two of the prisoners with princely courtesy, and ordered refreshments to be set before them.

As Tavannes moved that way, Nancay, in the act of passing out, booted and armed for the road, met him and almost jostled him. "Ah, well met, M. le Comte," he sneered, with as much hostility as he dared betray. "The King has asked for you twice." "I am going to him. And you? Whither in such a hurry, M. Nancay?" "To Chatillon." "On pleasant business?" "Enough that it is on the King's!"

The Chevaliers de Lorraine and Chatillon had both made a large fortune by their good looks, with which he was more smitten than with those of any other of his favourites. Chatillon, who had neither head, nor sense, nor wit, got on in this way, and acquired fortune.

His Majesty's countenance was sad and careworn, nevertheless he slept from sheer weariness for many hours. I awoke him to announce the arrival of M. de Rumigny, who was the bearer of dispatches from Chatillon. The Emperor received M. de Rumigny without witnesses, and the interview lasted a long while.

At the head of these now were Anthony of Bourbon, nominal King of Navarre in right of his wife, his brother Conde, and Admiral Coligny, with his brother the Cardinal Chatillon. The rule of the Politiques was, unlike that of the Guises, favourable to toleration as a matter not of conscience but of policy.

War soon broke out again by reason of a plot by the King to arrest the Prince de Conde and Admiral Chatillon at Noyers. As a result of the military preparations the Prince de Montpensier was forced to leave his wife and report for duty. Chabannes, who had been restored to the Queen's favour, went with him.