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Travelling at speeds close to that of light, spacemen lived at an accelerated pace. A nine-year trip to Alpha Centauri and back seemed to take only six weeks to men on a spaceship. When they returned, their friends and relatives had aged enormously in comparison, old customs had changed, even the language was different. So they did the only thing they could do.

He thus constructed a table of 191 of the principal stars, both in the northern and southern hemispheres, setting forth the numerical values of their apparent brightness relatively to that of Alpha Centauri, which he selected as a unit of measurement. Further, the light of the full moon being found by him to exceed that of his standard star 27,408 times, and Dr.

And hydrogen on Mars is the same as hydrogen on Terra, or on Alpha Centauri, or in the next galaxy " "You just set up those numbers, in that order, and any first-year chemistry student could tell you what elements they represented." Penrose said. "Could if he expected to make a passing grade, that is." The old man shook his head slowly, smiling. "I'm afraid I wouldn't make a passing grade.

"Capella, orbital tangent 09834, Arcturus, orbital tangent 09835, Centauri, orbital tangent 09836, Polaris, orbital tangent 09837!" Aboard the space cruiser Polaris, Tom Corbett turned away from the control board. "That's us, sir," he said to Captain Strong. "Very well, Corbett." The Solar Guard captain walked to the ship's intercom and flipped on the switch. "Astro, Roger, stand by!"

Koa detailed men to load the nuclear bombs into the landing craft, left Pederson to supervise, and then brought Santos with him to help Rip. "The bombs are being put on the boat, sir," Koa reported. "Fine. There isn't too much chance of the blasts setting them off, but we'll take no chances at all. Koa, I'm going to shoot a line straight out toward Alpha Centauri.

The star we know as the nearest to us in the heavens, Alpha Centauri, is composed of two very bright partners, which take about eighty-seven years to traverse their orbit. They sometimes come as near to each other as Saturn is to the sun.

"I don't know that I could tell a blind man satisfactorily. How do the people of the Noxus system telepath? I don't know, and they've tried to tell me. All I know is that mutations occurred sometime while Proxima Centauri was an orphan system, which enable many of us to make small changes in our appearance. Hair color, skin pigmentation, fingerprints. Usually takes about two days.

As velocity approaches that of light, time approaches zero. That was the key to the universe. Time approaches zero. The crew of a spaceship travelling from Earth to Alpha Centauri at a speed close to that of light would hardly notice the passage of time on the journey. It was, of course, impossible ever actually to reach the speed of light. But the great starships could come close.

In this case the central condensation of stars presents an almost uniform blaze of light. Like the Hercules cluster, that in Centaurus is surrounded with stars scattered over a broad field and showing an appearance of radial arrangement. In fact, except for its greater richness, Omega Centauri is an exact duplicate of its northern rival.

We haven't drawn a frank from a plant in a month, and we've had to cut our field strength down to a whisper to keep from burning out our accumulators. We can hunt as far as Neptune easy we can go to Alpha Centauri if we want to. This thing of piffling and monkeying around here's pulling my cork, and for the ten thousand four hundred and sixty seventh time I say let's prowl and prowl now!