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In order to gratify his passion he invited the graduate and his young wife to the palace, where he strangled the husband and tried to force the wife to cohabit with him. She refused obstinately, and as a last resort he had her imprisoned in a noisome dungeon. The soul of the graduate appeared to the imperial Censor Pao Lao-yeh, and begged him to exact vengeance for the execrable crime.

This white, haggard face, marked cruelly with dissipation and suffering, was the face of a man at the end of the way. In his darkest hour he needed not an inexorable censor but a friend. With heroic effort Philip put aside the evil memory of the past hour, though his sore heart rebelled. "Carl," he said gently, "you've got to pull up. You've come to the wall at last.

It was conceived that Almighty God had established St. Peter as a censor of public faith and morals, but it was not maintained that he was established as the censor of art and literature and life. There was thus originality in all these affairs.

The remainder of his body and his bowels, so soon as he was dead, were boiled, and others of his followers compelled to eat them. Such as compare Cato the Censor with the younger Cato, who killed himself, compare two beautiful natures, much resembling one another.

E, a MS. now in the possession of Herr Epstein of Vienna, who acquired it from Halberstamm's collection. The only reliable clue as to the date of this MS. is the license of the censor: "visto per me fra Luigi da Bologna Juglio 1599." Herr Epstein considers it to have been written at the end of the fifteenth or beginning of the sixteenth century. The MS. is on paper and in "Italian" handwriting.

After a year of bitter struggle against the interference of the censor and against financial difficulties the number of Russian readers among Jews was still very small at that time the Razswyet passed out of existence. Sion, too, like its predecessors, had to give up the fight in less than a year. After an interval of seven years a new attempt was made in the same city.

After his achievements in Greece, and when the war with Antiochus was at an end, Titus was created censor; the most eminent office, and, in a manner, the highest preferment in the commonwealth. The son of Marcellus, who had been five times consul, was his colleague.

This Reform Club, which was started a year or so ago, and which sets itself up as a censor of what we are trying to do in Benham, has nominated a Miss Snow, who is said to have travelled abroad studying the school systems of Europe." "As if that would help us in any way." "Precisely.

"But my particular copy of the Times is specially pro'ibited by the censor from corruptin' the morals of the Army. Get a written order from K. o' K., properly countersigned, an' I'll think about it." "I've got all you want," said Jenkins. "'Urry up. I want to 'ave a squint myself." Something gurgled in the darkness, and Private Copper fell back smacking his lips.

Staupitz grunted, angrily: "Shall one man dictate to nine?" and made an appealing gesture to his comrades, inciting them against their censor. Lagardere faced their menaces with the contemptuous indifference with which a mastiff might have faced as many rats. He commanded, imperiously: "Pack off, the whole gang of you, and leave Nevers to me!"