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Updated: August 21, 2024

In this last case something more than a simple apposition or selection of particles seems to be necessary; as many parts of the system during its growth are caused to recede from those, with which they were before in contact; as the ends of the bones, or cartilages, recede from each other, as their growth advances: this process resembles inflammation, as appears in ophthalmy, or in the production of new flesh in ulcers, where old vessels are enlarged, and new ones produced; and like that is attended with sensation.

It is not only attached to the two cartilages indicated by its name, but also along the whole of the external or outer surface of the vocal band. It will be remembered that practically all the muscles are arranged in pairs, one on each side of the middle line. The muscle now under consideration, more, perhaps, than any other, is complex in its action.

They are situated between the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages, and the direction of action is obliquely from below and forward, upward, and backward, so that the arytenoids are brought forward and also approximated more or less, which involves relaxed tension, at least, possibly also shortening of the vocal bands.

With the cartilages set, fill the ear butts with compo., squeezing it out upon the lead a little way that it may brace the ears when set finally. Set the mannikin in the vise for convenience. Cover skull with a thin layer of compo. where bone is exposed and slip the face skin into place. Hold the scalp up now by tying a heavy cord under the jaw and behind the horns.

Randall mentions a gunshot wound of the right ventricle which did not cause death until the sixty-seventh day. Grant describes a wound in which a ball from a revolver entered a little to the right of the sternum, between the cartilages of the 5th and 6th ribs, and then entered the right ventricle about an inch from the apex.

The largest of the cartilages of the larynx: its projection in front is called "Adam's Apple." Tissue. Any substance or texture in the body formed of various elements, such as cells, fibers, blood-vessels, etc., interwoven with each other. A plant used for smoking and chewing, and in snuff. The windpipe. The eminence in front of the opening of the ear; sometimes hairy, like a goat's beard.

Neurectomy is not indicated even though there is a recurrence of lameness, unless the lameness is not pronounced and inflammation is periarticular and no osseous enlargements mechanically interfere with function of the joint. There are few cases then, where neurectomy is materially helpful. Ossification of the Cartilages of the Third Phalanx. Anatomy and Function of the Cartilages.

The cartilages are the epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid, arytenoid, the two small, unimportant cornicula laryngis, or cartilages of Santorini, surmounting the arytenoids, and the two cuneiform, or cartilages of Wrisberg, in the folds of mucous membrane on each side of the arytenoids. The muscles are attached to the main cartilages.

It is said that a man is as old as his spine, since the deterioration of the spine means the loss of elasticity and supporting power in the disk-like cartilages between the vertebrae, and also the loss of strength in the muscles and ligaments of the back which tend to hold the spinal vertebrae in place.

Those trees seemed to us terrestrial animals, in no wise so different from brute beasts as not to have skin, fat, flesh, veins, arteries, ligaments, nerves, cartilages, kernels, bones, marrow, humours, matrices, brains, and articulations; for they certainly have some, since Theophrastus will have it so.

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