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And I went over each detail of our last night's talk, from her first burst of "Take me with you!" to my boggling answers, my fears, so stupidly expressed, that it would be anything but a picturesque bridal-trip, and the necessity that there was for rapid traveling and much musty, old research. "What a fool I was not to take her then and there! She is myself: why shouldn't I, then, be selfish?

"So home we went. An' there we is now. An' as this is the end of the bridal-trip story, I'll go an' take a look at the cow an' the chickens an' the horse, if you don't mind." Which we didn't, and we gladly went with her over the estate.

The marriage took place three days after the engagement, and the young pair made a bridal-trip to England, from which they returned a few months since." "And where are they now?" "They live in Berlin in an enchanting villa, which Lord Elliot has converted into a palace for his young wife. You will see them this evening, for they are both here, and "

And I went over each detail of our last night's talk, from her first burst of "Take me with you!" to my boggling answers, my fears, so stupidly expressed, that it would be anything but a picturesque bridal-trip, and the necessity that there was for rapid traveling and much musty, old research. "What a fool I was not to take her then and there! She is myself: why shouldn't I, then, be selfish?

But I wouldn't cry about it. I don't believe the case'll last more'n a day. "The old man harnessed up an' took Jone to the court-house, an' I went too, for I might as well keep up the idea of a bridal-trip as not. I went up into the gallery, and Jone, he was set among the other men in the jury-box.

"I feel with you an invincible repugnance to throwing open our hearts to the inspection of the unsympathizing world, at the most sacred moment of our lives," she said, in stating her preference for a quiet morning-wedding, a family breakfast, and instant departure upon their bridal-trip.

"One day, at dinner-time, I seed the judge astandin' at the court-room door, a-wipin' his forrid with a handkerchief, an' I went up to him an' said, 'Do you think, sir, they'll get through this thing soon? "'I can't say, indeed, said he. 'Are you interested in the case? "'I should think I was, said I, an' then I told him about Jone's bein' a juryman, an' how we was on our bridal-trip.

"Yes it was truly him, an' I didn't want him to see me there in such company, an' he most likely knowin' I was on my bridal-trip, an' so I made a dive at my bonnet to see if I had a vail on; an' findin' one, I hauled it down. "'Madam, says the boarder, very respectful, to Mrs. Jackson, 'where do you live? Can't I take you home? 'No, sir, says she, 'at least not now.

"'This is a lively old bridal-trip, said I, 'dry falls an' a lunertic asylum. "'We'll try to make the rest of it better, said he. "But the next day wasn't no better. We staid in our room all day, for we didn't care to meet Mrs. Jackson an' her crazy brother, an' I'm sure we didn't want to see the mean creatures who kept the house.

During their bridal-trip, Carry had been placed in the charge of Col. Starbottle's sister. On their return to the city, immediately on reaching their lodgings, Mrs. Starbottle announced her intention of at once proceeding to Mrs. Culpepper's to bring the child home. Col.