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"There will be a bridal-trip of a week or so," she concluded; "and they will be in their new home on the first of May." "Very good," said Cope. He thought he was thinking to himself, but he spoke aloud. "And that ends it." This last he really did say to himself. He sank more comfortably into his chair, kept his face properly immobile, and spoke no further word.

"'I suppose we must, said I, 'but this don't seem as much like a bridal-trip as it did a while ago. "'You're right there, says Jone. "When the conductor came along we had to pay the fare of them two lunertics, besides our own, for neither of 'em had a cent about 'em.

"'Now then, says Jone, as the cars went abuzzin' along, 'I feel as if I was really on a bridal-trip, which I mus' say I didn't at that there asylum. "An' then I said: 'I should think not, an' we both bust out a-laughin', as well we might, feelin' sich a change of surroundin's.

So we are all happy: Sylvia, who thus enters upon a family right to my flowers and to the distinction of being the only Miss Cobb; Dilsy, who, while gathering vegetables about the garden, long ago began to receive little bundles of quilt pieces thrown down to her with a smile and the right word from the window above; and Jack, who is to drive us on our bridal-trip to the Blue Lick Springs, where he hopes to renew his scientific studies upon the maxillary bones.