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Under ordinary conditions it is so easy to carry a point with a little bounce; self-assertion is a mask which covers many a weakness. As a rule we have neither the time nor the desire to look beneath it, and so it is that commonly we accept people on their own valuation. Here the outward show is nothing, it is the inward purpose that counts. So the 'gods' dwindle and the humble supplant them.

"Fire-water," replied Bounce unhesitatingly. At this the eyes of the savages sparkled with delight. Not deigning to waste more time with him, they seized the unfortunate trapper and confronted him with his companions, gazing earnestly in their faces the while to observe whether they betrayed any sign of recognition.

Her face is rather thin and pale just now, with watching and anxiety, but I like to look at it, for it has grown gentler, and her voice is lower. She doesn't bounce, but moves quietly, and takes care of a certain little person in a motherly way which delights me. I rather miss my wild girl, but if I get a strong, helpful, tenderhearted woman in her place, I shall feel quite satisfied.

When enough bets were placed, and this happened fairly often, Tabuenca would set the wheel spinning, at the same time repeating his slogan: "'Round goes the wheel!" The marble would bounce amidst the nails and even before it came to a stop the operator knew the winning number and colour, crying: "Red seven...." or "the blue five," and always he guessed right.

Their remarks had been quite too flattering to repeat even to this very plainly interested young woman delightful and heart-warming as was this same show of interest, to himself. "Thank you," was all he said. Billy gave an excited little bounce in her chair. "And you'll begin to learn rôles right away?" "I already have, some after a fashion before I came here." "Really? How splendid!

Bounce nodded his head and looked sagacious, as he said "D'ye know, lad, I don't mind if I go along with ye.

Dear me, they talk about our weakness and vanity why, they never know their own minds for two minutes together; and as for vanity, only tell a man you think him good-looking, and he falls in love with you directly; or if that is too great a bounce and indeed very few of them have the slightest pretensions to beauty you need only hint that he rides gallantly, or waltzes nicely, or wears neat boots, and it will do quite as well.

But it was much harder to aim straight than they had expected. More marbles would hit against the wood and bounce back than ever went through the little holes. And when this strange new game was ended Fatty had fifty-two marbles and they each had four! Then Fatty walked off. "Nice game," he said, "I'll come tomorrow."

"Yer help would be better than yer advice, old feller," replied Bounce, as he stepped upon the ridge or mound which Marston and his companion had just quitted. "Lend a hand; we'll take a spell here. I do believe my shoulder's out o' joint. There, gently that's it." "Wall, I guess this is Eden," cried Big Waller, gazing around him with unfeigned delight.

"There's our supper," said Bounce, quietly lifting his rifle in a leisurely way, and taking aim without rising from the spot on which he sat or removing the pipe from his lips. The sharp crack was followed by a convulsive heave on the part of the deer, which fell over on its side and floated downstream.