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The females in some districts of India yield a little milk, but the natives have never thought of milking them. The female bisons, according to Mr. Buchanan and the philosophical historian of the Indian Archipelago, Mr. If the Chinese have ever been a pastoral people, how have they lost the tastes and habits so intimately connected with that state, which precedes agricultural institutions?

Standing a few feet in front of me, big ears thrust forward inquiringly, was the friendly burro of the night before. In my childish estimation, bear stories rivaled the tales of mad gold rushes, thundering bisons and savage Indians.

The hoodoo had vanished. The championship Worcester team was itself again. The Bisons were fighting, too, but Rube had them helpless. When they did hit a ball one of my infielders snapped it up. No chances went to the outfield. I sat there listening to my men, and reveled in a moment that I had long prayed for. "Now you're pitching some, Rube. Another strike! Get him a board!" called Ashwell.

Now, it is an interesting fact that a fossil bison skull from the lower Pliocene of India resembles the present European species, and in later geological times very similar bisons closely allied to each other, if not identical, inhabited all northern regions, including America.

Among the ruminants are four species of deer, two smaller than a hare, and one as large as an elk; a wild goat similar to the Sumatran antelope; the domestic goat, a mean little beast; the buffalo, a great, nearly hairless, gray or pink beast, bigger than the buffalo of China and India; a short-legged domestic ox, and two wild oxen or bisons, which are rare. The bat family is not numerous.

When the young men had spent a long time in examining the animals, and birds, and fishes, admiring and praising them, as who would not that has never before seen them, the Great Creator addressed them thus: "My sons, I have created many creatures, and breathed into them the breath of life; I have made the forests resound with the cry of bears, and panthers, and bisons; I have caused the air to be so thickly inhabited, that you can scarcely move without having your cheeks fanned by the breath of the wings of my birds; I have made the rivers populous with finny people.

These two Imperial gifts, such as they are, he has consciously brought back with him; and perhaps, though as yet unconsciously, a third gift of much more value, once it is developed into clearness: some dim trace of insight into the no-meaning of these high people; and how they consider US as mere Orsons and wild Bisons, whom they will do the honor to consume as provision, if we behave well!

As before all was silence and quiet, now the air was rent with a confusion of sounds the tramp of the bisons and the pursuing horses, the shouts and cries of the hunters as they dashed forward in chase. We let them take the lead for some time, to see their mode of proceeding.

I was in the clouds, and never had I seen so beautiful a light as shone in Milly's eyes. From that day The Honeymoon Trip of the Worcester Baseball Club, as the newspapers heralded it was a triumphant march. We won two out of three games at Montreal, broke even with the hard-fighting Bisons, took three straight from Rochester, and won one and tied one out of three with Hartford.

He guided them to the best feeding-places for the horses and cattle, and to the watering-places which were so constantly needed. And when, a few days after he came, the column struck herds of innumerable buffalo, it was Jerry Potts who warned against shooting at certain times, lest the bisons would stampede and trample the whole cavalcade under foot.