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In 1545, when the world of literature was rather smaller than it now is, Conrade Gesner, in his Bibliotheca, made the first attempt at a universal bibliography.

Henderson's George Bernard Shaw: His Life and Works, 2 vols. Chesterton's George Bernard Shaw. Krans's William Butler Yeats and the Irish Literary Revival. Howe's J.M. Synge: A Critical Study. Bickley's J.M. Synge and the Irish Dramatic Movement. Essays. For other twentieth-century essays, see the preceding bibliography and the paragraph following this. The Novel. Poetry. The Drama.

The mass of literature pertaining to Schiller has now grown so great that an exhaustive bibliography would fill a good-sized volume. All that can be attempted here is a selection of the more important works. The fullest bibliography thus far is that contained in the fifth volume of Goedeke's Grundrisz zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung, 2nd edition, Dresden, 1893.

Social Forces, a topical outline with bibliography, published this year by the Education Committee, Mrs. A. S. Quackenbush, chairman, was especially designed for the instruction of women, first, in existing conditions, and second, in the various movements made to improve them. Copies were purchased by universities, organizations and individuals all over the United States.

In Europe, particularly in England, the rock garden is an established institution with a distinct following. The English works on the subject alone form a considerable bibliography. On this side of the Atlantic, the rock garden is so little understood that it is an almost unconsidered factor in the beautifying of the home grounds.

But, uncompromising as he had been in his refusal to both appeals, his influence there was only just at its commencement, if we may judge by the list of his works translated into Bohemian, which the Ghent bibliography has brought to light.

French mismanagement beats ours holler, and their hate and jealousy of us makes their colonies penal settlements to us. The letter concludes with kindly enquiries respecting Professor Bendall, Mr. A. G. Ellis and Dr. Bibliography: 80. Priapeia. 1890. The Priapeia.

Forgetting his umbrella, the foreign gentleman called at the studio the next day to get it. Whistler was out, but the visitor was much moved to find the "finishing touch" had been carefully wiped off! Mr. Keppel's personal relations with Whistler ended when, by an idle chance, he sent a copy of The University of the State of New York Bulletin, Bibliography, No.

The expedition, however, was unproductive of all anticipated results and no profit accrued to Burton. Indeed it was Iceland and Midian over again. "I ought," he says in one of his letters to Payne, "to go down to history as the man who rediscovered one Gold Country and rehabilitated a second, and yet lost heavily by the discoveries." Bibliography Lord Beaconsfield. 67.

It is the corrected text of Heinsius, and thus has a fair claim to rank as the earliest of the modern critical editions of Maro. The elegance of this little book in size and shape, the clearness and beauty of the type, and the truly classical taste and finish of the whole design, can never be surpassed in Virgilian bibliography, unless by Didot's matchless little copies.