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'Did Sakasakan? asked the boys all was as before. They went over a list of towns at enmity with Bontoc, but there was no answer given them. At last they asked, 'Did the Moon? but still there was no answer. 'Did the Sun? the boys asked, and suddenly the piece of pork slid from the stick into the basi. And this was the way Lumawig had said a person should know who took his father's head.

After that they went home and sent all the heads before them and also the plunder. After that they arrived in Kaodanan. "Good afternoon, Uncle," said Dangdangáyan to old man Pagbokásan. "Come up the ladder," he said. "You go and cook so that these boys may eat," he said. After that, "You go and get one jar of basi which you used to like when you were young," said his wife Ebang.

It is built during Sayang, and contains a small jar of basi. Sagang: Sharpened bamboo poles about eight feet in length on which the skulls of enemies were formerly exhibited. The pointed end was pushed through the foramen magnum, and the pole was then planted near the gate of the town.

Testa obtecte perforata, lenticulari-depressa, orbicularis, carinata, crassiuscula, superne fulva, radiato-striata, minutissime granulata, carina acuta, superne subcrenulata, basi convexa, nitidissima, griseo-albida, radiatim substriata ad umbilicum declivens; spira convexiuscula; anfractus 5, planulati; apertura angulato-lunaris, intus margaritacea; peristoma simplex, basi incrassatum, ad columellam expansiusculum.

Basi is served to all, and soon, above the noisy laughter of the crowd, is heard the voice of some leading man singing the daleng. The visitors listen respectfully to the song and to the reply, then resume the music and dancing. After a time a huge fire is built in the yard, and by the flickering light two lines of boys and girls or older people will form to sing and dance the daeng.

Meanwhile Bebeka-an, armed with a wooden spoon, tried to dig up the floor and the people on it, "for that is the way she digs up sickness." Awa-an, a spirit of the water, came to inform the people that the spirit of a man recently drowned was just passing the house. Everything else was abandoned for a few moments, while basi was poured out of the window, so that the dead might receive drink.

When the spirits were going up in the vine, Baluga cut the vine with his bolo. The spirits fell down. Baluga and his wife went home. As soon as they reached their home, they made a party. There were many people there on that big day. They were drinking basi, eating rice and meat, and singing and dancing because they were having a good time. That party lasted two days.

Not long after he took the cup and he used his power so that though he drank the basi the poison which he put in the big jar would not kill him, and he drank first. As soon as he drank he made the bravest drink. Not long after he made all of them drink, and the alzados all died, for he used magic so that when they had all drunk then they all died.

After they finished eating they took the big coconut shell and filled it with basi and each of them drank, and they were all drunk, and Langa-an said, "I like to hear from you if you wish Lingiwan to be a son." Soon Pagbokásan and Ebang agreed. They decided on the day for pakálon.

I do not think it was necessary for you to hold this ceremony now, for you built your balaua only two years ago; yet it is best that you do so, for you can do nothing else. You are not like the spirits. If we die, we come to life again; if you die, you do not." At this point an old man interrupted, and offered him a drink of basi.