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We went away: there was nothing for us to do but to go away as quickly as possible and leave her to her kind. To the silent old grandfather I said, "It will pass: she is but a child." "She is nearly twelve, señora. Her mother was married at thirteen." "But she loved them both alike, Bartolo. It is nothing: she does not know."

A reconciliation is easily effected, a notary is at hand, and they are married just as Bartolo makes his appearance with officers to arrest the Count. Mutual explanations occur, however, and all ends happily. The first act opens after a short chorus, with the serenade, "Ecco ridente in cielo," the most beautiful song in the opera.

When he had read this, Lee gently tilted and shook the envelope. But no diamond solitaire dropped out. They were waiting in the sheriff's office in the court house in Bartolo. They were waiting for Mr. Menocal. Winship had sent a messenger for him.

Signing for those who pressed upon him to give way, the Prince sat gazing at Maso, with eyes that appeared ready to burst from their sockets. "Thou Bartolomeo!" he uttered huskily, as if horror had frozen his voice. "I am Bartolo, Signore, and no other. He who goes through many scenes hath occasion for many names. Even your Highness travels at times under a cloud."

'The Spanish Barber' was founded on a circumstance which happened at a country house between Conti and a young lady, during the reign of Louis XV., when intrigues of every kind were practised and almost sanctioned. The poet has exposed the Prince by making him the Doctor Bartolo of his play. The play is a critique on the whole Royal Family, from the drawing up of the curtain to its fall.

After the days of Duccio and Simone Martini, of Ambrogio and Pietro Lorenzetti, were over, there remained but little for the Sienese to do in painting. Taddeo di Bartolo continued the tradition of Duccio as the later Giottesques continued that of Giotto. His most remarkable wall-painting is a fresco of the Apostles visiting the Virgin, the motive of which is marked by great originality.

'What is your name? asked the Legate, eyeing him sharply. 'Alessandro Stradella. Instead of writing down the answer the two clerks looked at their superior for instructions. 'His name is Bartolo, the Legate said, in a decided tone. 'By your worship's leave, my name is Stradella, protested the musician.

The old duenna has been casting amatory glances in Figaro's direction, and has a hold on him in the shape of a written obligation to marry her in default of repayment of a sum of money borrowed in a time of need. She enlists Bartolo as adviser, and he agrees to lay the matter before the Count.

Figaro now confides to the Count a scheme by which he is to meet his fair enslaver face to face: he is to assume the role of a drunken soldier who has been billeted upon Dr. Bartolo, a plan that is favored by the fact that a company of soldiers has come to Seville that very day which is under the command of the Count's cousin. The plan is promptly put into execution.

In the midst of the arrangements, however, Don Basilio puts in an appearance, and the disconcerted lover makes good his escape. Meanwhile Bartolo, who has Rosina's letter, succeeds in arousing the jealousy of his ward with it, who thereupon discloses the proposed elopement and promises to marry her guardian. At the time set for the elopement the Count and Figaro appear.