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Twelve miles from a railway, a mere agricultural centre, of the rough back-country sort, all brand new and dreary looking, with a couple of wooden churches, half a dozen wooden shops, two new intersecting streets with wooden sidewalks, and that was all. But the place suited Garfield far better than an older and more dignified university would have done.

Now the broken engine was underpinned firmly, and they took away the wooden shores from under the cylinders, and gave them to the robbed bridge, thanking God for even half a day's work on gentle, kindly wood instead of the iron that had entered into their souls. Eight months in the back-country among the leeches, at a temperature of 84 degrees moist, is very bad for the nerves.

An’ th’ stolen Mex hosses, they’s drove up here an’ maybe sold to some of th’ same fellas what lost th’ others. Hosses git themselves lost ’long them back-country trails, specially if they’s pushed hard. So them strays join up with th’ wild ones. Iffen a mustanger can rope him one an’ bring it in ... well, if it’s a good one, maybe so he’ll git a reward from th’ man what’s lost him.

The prince strode to his throne with the port and majesty and the sternness of a Julius Caesar coming to receive and receipt for a back-country kingdom and have it over and get out, and no fooling.

Did you ever attend the old back-country "last day of school exhibition"? The people that day came from all over the township. They were so glad our school was closing they all turned out to make it a success. They brought great baskets of provender and we had a feast.

He had no woman-servant, and was totally unprepared for an incursion of skaters; and yet, New Zealand fashion, no sooner did he perceive that we were all longing and pining for some skating, than he invited us all most cordially to go up to his back-country run the very next day, with him, and skate as long as we liked.

But by my time all this had long been past and over, and even a back-country shepherd had a nice tin mould in which he could make a dozen candles of the purest tallow at a time. Ned was just running a slender piece of wood through the loops of his twisted cotton wicks, so as to keep them above the rim of the mould, and the strong odour of melted mutton fat was tainting the lovely fresh air.

However, as I said before, F stood by me, and although we neither of us could well spare the time, we agreed to devote two afternoons every week, so long as the fine open autumn weather, lasted, to making excursions in search of back-country huts. There are no roads or finger posts or guides of any sort in those distant places.

A painful presentiment began to harass me. Wild stories had lately circulated through the army stories of the misconduct of straggling parties of our soldiers in the back-country. Hitherto I had felt no apprehension, not believing that any small party would carry their foraging to so distant a point as the house of our friends.

And those tremendous wooden shoes, too I declare, she's a beauty?" "Oh, they are only back-country folk," said Lambert, rather impatiently. "You might as well let old Boerhaave drop or else shut your eyes." "Ha! ha! Well, I was GOING to say, all the big men of his day sought out this great professor.