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Updated: August 23, 2024

The student, who has become acquainted with the works of Gibbon, Macaulay, and Carlyle, will wish to know something of the men themselves and this curiosity may be easily and delightfully gratified. The autobiographies of Gibbon, the Life of Macaulay by Sir George Trevelyan, the History of Carlyle's Life by Froude, present the personality of these historians in a vivid manner.

More cannot be said, except that they have commonly given, on both counts, more than they have received. Theirs is therefore the blessing, and ours the benefit. Among other things, we have to thank them for some diaries and autobiographies which have been notable for frank self-revelation.

Most men wait till they have achieved a career before they write their autobiographies. He anticipates his. It's rather characteristic of the man, I think. They drove from the club together in a hansom. Opposite to his rooms in St. James's Street Fielding got out. 'Good-night, he said, and took a step towards the door.

'Simon here, pointing to a big buck of fifty-five sitting on the front porch, 'is Liza's oldest boy." Mississippi Federal Writers Slave Autobiographies James Cornelius lives in Magnolia in the northwestern part of the town, in the Negro settlement. He draws a Confederate pension of four dollars per month. He relates events of his life readily.

But he had little or no business; and he used his retirement to pen the amazing account of his early life and his love story, where he appears as Theagenes and his wife as Stelliana, as strange a mixture of rhodomontade and real romance as exists among the autobiographies of the world. Of course it does not represent Digby at his maturity.

Best of all, they may be made public by the writers themselves in their autobiographies. Yes; the diarist must always have his eye on a possible autobiography. "I remember," he will write in that great work, having forgotten all about it, "I distinctly remember" and here he will refer to his diary "meeting X. at lunch one Sunday and saying to him ..."

The ink is indelible; and besides all that we have visibly written in these terrible autobiographies of ours, there is much that has sunk into the page, there is many a 'secret fault, the record of which will need the fire of that last day to make it legible, Alas for those who learn the black story of their own lives for the first time then!

These men must have felt, that, even at best, and with the fairest intentions, the task of the biographer is full of difficulties, and open to mistakes, uncertainties, and false conclusions without number. The autobiographies are the best biographies.

The sign's familiarity, to be sure, often hides in these cases a great vagueness and unseizableness in the facts; yet a beginning in defining distinctly the mental phase of natural situations has been made in those small autobiographies which introspective writers sometimes compose, or which are taken down in hospitals and laboratories from the lips of "subjects."

She was never of the fine world of literature; she dwelt where she was born, in that unfashionable Beverly which is not Beverly Farms, and was of a simple, sea-faring, God-fearing race, as she has told in one of the loveliest autobiographies I know, "A New England Girlhood."

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