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"Give this to the Englishman," said he; "but conceal my name. It is true, it is true, the proverb is very true," resumed the duke, descending the stairs, "Piu pelli di volpi the di asini vanno in Pellieciaria." Dr. Morgan continues to prescribe globules for grief, and to administer infinitesimally to a mind diseased.

Where is the opinion? Very well. Atony asinis! Plethora asini! Nervousness asinorum! Drink the Clear Waters asininum! Do you know what is your disease? It is vexation, and even worse." "Do you see that?" said Charming, terrified. "Yes, my son, it is written on your tongue. But I will cure you: it shall be done by to-morrow noon." "To-morrow!" said the king. "All my treasures " "Silence, my son.

"Give this to the Englishman," said he; "but conceal my name. It is true, it is true, the proverb is very true," resumed the duke, descending the stairs, "Piu pelli di volpi the di asini vanno in Pellieciaria." Dr. Morgan continues to prescribe globules for grief, and to administer infinitesimally to a mind diseased.

The verse ran as follows: Auriculas asini Mida rex habet; King Midas has an ass's ears; but Cornutus altered it thus; Auriculas asini quis non hahet? Who has not an ass's ears? in order that it might not be supposed that it was meant to apply to Nero.

One Asini, a Mpongwe from the Plateau, offered to show me a huge gorilla near his village; in the afternoon he was confronted with "Young Prince," and he would have blushed scarlet if he could. But he assured me plaintively that he must lie to live, and, after all, la prudence des souris n'est pas celle des chats.

Another allusion occurs in Lodge's Wits' Miserie, "and though this fiend be begotten of his father's own blood, yet is he different from his nature; and were he not sure that jealousie could not make him a cuckold, he had long since published him for a bastard: you shall know him by this, he is a foule lubber, his tongue tipt with lying, his heart steeled against charity; he walks for the most part in black under color of gravity, and looks as pale as the visard of the ghost which cried so miserably at the theator like an oister-wife, Hamlet, revenge'." Again, in Decker's Satiromastix, 1602: "Asini.

"Split their skulls, though they be like those of the bullocks their sires drive!" "Down with the moss troopers!" "Boves boreales!" And answering cries: "Down with the lisping, smooth-tongued Southerners!" "Australes asini!" "Eheu!" "Slay me every one with a burr in his mouth." "Down with the mincing fools who have got no r.r.r's" "Burrrrn them, you should say." "Frangite capita."

Some have detected it in the prologue, others in the opening lines of the first Satire, others, relying on a story that Cornutus made him alter the line "Auriculas asini Mida rex habet," to quis non habet? have supposed that the satire lies there. But satire so veiled is worthless.

No one can doubt that his poems exhibit, amidst some imbecility and more affectation, much elegance, ingenuity, and tenderness. They present us with a mixture which can only be compared to the whimsical concert described by the humorous poet of Modena: "S'udian gli usignuoli, al primo albore, Egli asini cantar versi d'amore."