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She 'ad got a boy wot 'ad just got a job in London, and when 'e wrote and told 'er he was keeping company with the handsomest and loveliest and best 'arted gal in the whole wide world, she wrote to Sam about it and asked 'im to give 'is nevy some good advice.

She 'ad got a boy wot 'ad just got a job in London, and when 'e wrote and told 'er he was keeping company with the handsomest and loveliest and best 'arted gal in the whole wide world, she wrote to Sam about it and asked 'im to give 'is nevy some good advice.

Late Collector of............ ....ithout Bloodshed or...error of Authority Employ.only..cans of Conciliat...and Confiden. accomplished the...tire Subjection... a Lawless and Predatory Peop... ....taching them to...ish Government by a Conquest over....Minds The most perma...and rational Mode of Domini.. ...Governor General and Counc...engal have ordered thi.....erected ....arted this Life Aug. 19, 184..Ag...

"I went arter 'im, dodged rahnd the fust corner, an', bli-me, 'e gev me a punch that would 'ave 'arted Corbett." "What with his fist?" inquired Brett. "Nah, guv'nor 'is 'eel, blawst 'im. I could 'ave dodged a square blow. I can use my dukes a bit myself." "What was the value of the punch?" The youth tried to smile, though the effort tortured him. "It was worth 'arf a thick 'un at least, guv'nor."

Accomplished the...tire Subjection... a Lawless and Predatory Peop......taching them to...ish Government by a Conquest over....Minds The most perma...and rational Mode of Domini....Governor General and Counc...engal have ordered lhi.....erected...arted this Life Aug. 19, 184..Ag... On the other side of the grave were ancient verses, also very worn.

He was really quite the nicest person in the play, y' know. Most of it was gorgeously rotten. It used to be a French farce, but they sent it to Sunday-school and gave it a nice fresh frock. It seemed that a gentleman-tabby had been trying to make a match between his nephew and his ward. The ward arted. Personally I think it was by tonsorial art.

"'It's the chance of a lifetime, ses Dicky. "'Looks like it, ses Smith, coughing. "'But 'e can't win, ses Sam Jones, looking a bit upset. 'Why, Mr. Bunnett said 'e ought to be locked up. "'He's been led away, ses Bob Pretty, shaking his 'ead. 'He's a kind- 'arted old gen'leman when 'e's left alone, and he'll soon see wot a mistake 'e's made about me. I'll show 'im.

'You are a dear generous 'arted girl, exclaimed the stepmother, and the two women kissed again with tears, an operation which they usually performed in the hour of domestic trouble. Miss Wendover's letter came next day, a hearty, frank, affectionate letter, offering a home that was really meant to be like home, and a salary of forty pounds a year, 'just to buy your gowns, Miss Wendover said.